
Or she did it because she’s a control-freak nutcase

Sometimes I wish we didn’t know so much about celebrities

If I had a child it would be an only child and it would be called Ampersand.

So was I.

it’s a square “fish” patty with cheese and tartar sauce.

it was not written by the founding fathers or any other major american historical figure.

He sounds exhausted. He’s going to hate working for the government.

“If the experience doesn’t hurt you won’t be able to say you had it.”

I would buy that. I would live there. Does it have a pool?

They don’t live the longest.

The generational argument sucks. The world is changing so fast that every generation since about 1880 has had to run to catch up with the changes. I say WE ARE ALL MICRO BOPPERS.

... but your family winery keeps the pheasants fat and happy, right?

30 pounds of fruit a day looks like a LOT of enormous poos, I’d say.

I’m the one going SPLOOSH SPLOOSH I DON’T CARE, which is probably part of the reason I work from home now.

No one at JFK was standing around calmly analysing what was going on

I think there should be no VISIBLE security, like in non-US airports. You need not know if you’re being watched, or if anyone else is.

Oh-kay now! Real good then!

Wait - it’s provincial to want to talk to locals when you travel? I don’t get you. Are we arguing the same point?

I hadn’t. She’s internationally famous now, so the headline writers need to pick up their game.

WHY doesn’t she drive traffic? Wake up.