
Fair enough... I’m sorry. It is un-automatic to look at timestamps here tho!

PS All Stars in list for Vita, ma no Smash in list for 3DS... suuuure...
Man I have both systems and I enjoy both but your “list” is stupid. If those are the only games you enjoyed for 3DS you should probably give a chance trying other games.

No, the first one remastered as well.

Guys, if I’d like to read another vg news blog with no “social justice warrior” posts...? IGN is fine...? I love Kotaku and I read it since ages, but after Dragon’s Crown and Manara’s cover things I fear it could jump on this bandwagon as well...

But she is left-handed as well...?


So, it’s about 20 hours @ day of work. (Crazy!)
But he spends 3 days @ week to work on text, story and storyboard for his manga. It’s roughly 60 hours of work for about 21 pages of manga. It seems too much for me... Maybe translation is inaccurate...?

So, it this video was made by Konami US, they basically aren’t assholes like their japanese counterpart...?

Not very true, here in Italy it is a pain in the ass to buy certain past waves amiibos.

I didn’t read any trophy list to avoid spoilers, but this actually allows you to get all the trophies as well? I would be pissed if some trophy relates on this FOB thing.

Yes YouTube policies are pretty much garbage. I had lot of bad experiences with my channel.
Basically, they tend to support big corporation channels and screw John Doe’s small channels.

You realize the beta was NOT open to everybody and subject to invites and what not? They chose the initial number of people who could enter it. So, yes they screw up for sure.

Me too, in Italy! But I cheated: I work at night :)

What’s the point in continuing to reply redundantly when you said 2 times you had enough of this conversation. It is really silly. Whatever.
Good evening, and yes, whatever I say.

You’re glitching out. Please contact Capcom ASAP!

Actually, this time whatever YOU say...

Who...? ME?

“Cammy’s breasts seem to jiggle a tad more than they do when she’s standing on the player one side of the game.” (In the second gif).
So, in P2 (affected by “glitch”) even Cammy’s breasts bounce. But just a little, cause Cammy’s breast is decisively smaller.
So, again, it was DESIGNED this way, cause, a cpu

It’s my photo! Thank you. :)

Remaining in your convictions no matter what is a quality, I give you that, but do you realize you’re still replying 34838 times after saying (and confirming) you don’t care what I say (even if I gave you technical evidence of an animation issue), and keep on discussing about a technical matter you can’t really know