Yes it’s ridiculous I know... Still. Not. A glitch. ;)
Yes it’s ridiculous I know... Still. Not. A glitch. ;)
Well, yes, the character design is different among pretty much any fighting game... They can’t have nothing in common...? I fail to understand your point.
Could you google some Dead or Alive videos or I should link them for you? They move EXACTLY like the Chun Li ones. Maybe even more. So yes, some designer in the world actually intentionally made the boobs go crazy...
You do reply a lot, for someone who doesn’t care for what I say/believe.
Again, it’s not hard. Yes, it’s a glitch. An error from programmers, it’s a glitch. You don’t understand this. A glitch is not something made by a machine alone. Not grasping ANY straws here. They made an error, they will fix it in future interactions of the game.
Have you ever see the third eye behind Daisy’s Smash…
Your problem is just your definition of “glitch”... is much more wider than you think.
And since the player 1 has NO jiggling at all (not a minor jiggling... just zero) your theory is hard to demonstrate...
If you read this:
LOL I’m not an expert, I just know what I read about this matter on Twitter, blogs etc... so you believe in WHAT, exactly? That those jiggling boobs moved like that randomly without any intervention from a human?
I don’t know how to explain it. It is pretty simple, if you actually play games, at least, japanese games.
The team made Chun Li breasts jiggling a lot. Ridiculous “jiggling” like that is NOT a glitch, it is something happening in videogames since years: to keep the speech into fighting games, breasts like this SF5…
Ok, you’re right, I will never play SF again. I mean, there’s a GREEN guy who blasts electricity. Totally unrealistic. At least they changed their mind about boobs.
Oh my god. A glitch is a graphic error made by a program. Bouncing breasts made like this, they could be ridiculous, but they’re done ON PURPOSE. By a human.
Your idea of “glitch” is indeed peculiar...
Yes because “regular” fireballs shot from bare hands are totally realistic.
I think they should remove Ryu’s fireballs, they’re not “realistic” and I am unable to launch them.
Ryu IS the fighting game character. Pretty happy to see him added to the roster.
(So, it will be the most played char (across all games) for the next Evo...?
And, where’s Captain Sweatpants...?
Isn’t the golden rupee worth 100 rupees alone...? ?_?
Actually, not “GB games of all sorts”, DS can play only GBA games, unfortunately.
On a side note: all "hafu" I've met (males and females) are very beautiful.
Actually, Street View now have timestamps. So, probably you could tell if this was made on 2 different days.
The logo is so beautiful...
People general thought about a "limited edition" is not what it should really be.
It is something like an Assassin's Creed limited edition. An overpriced item printed 2 times more than the "regular" edition you could get for 20$ less few months later.
I collect many videogames, and usually, when you have to get a…