
Am I the only one at first to see the original pic like he is grabbing her boob...??

Isn't this true for 99% of modern games...?

Missing: Game & Wario (Totilo: "Possibly the best credits ever"), and Smash Bros. (I don't remember which one, the one you have to shoot credits' names like Vanquish).

Yes, but you got Bayo 1 and 2 for free in the same package. We have to buy a pricer version to get both, only the first one otherwise.

It's on Wii U, non Wii

The blue shell is like life itself. You can be the first one, the champ, the best around.
Still, a blue shell could hit your ass and you'll have to start over.

Yes but what about DUCK HUNT on your HDTV?

Where's Tingle Balloon Fight...?

It's funny because "saw" in italian is "sega", slang for male masturbation.

Yes you're right this is so wrong.
Now, pardon me, I have to go to pay 70$/year to play online a game I already paid.

World needs to carry on. When a war is finished, it's finished. If in Europe we treated Germany like China and Korea treat Japan, what can we accomplish?

Are this still in new versions of the game, like the GameCube reedition?

Someone has the actresses' full list in romaji characters? Thank you!

He tried to be at the same level of Iwata. But Iwata is unbeatable about generating gifs.

Really? I had it on my Atari Lynx, back in the day. It sucked! And hard as steel.
But yeah, I'd probably play a next-gen Paperboy, please not with Kinect commands tho...

Not a single word about Link (or who he/she is) being right-handed...?

Very clever post. I'm sure your gaming habits are only very original and fresh games and no long sagas going on from years.

I am the only one baffled more by the fact the headline for the E3 for this newspaper is about a PS4 in a new color...?