
No Nintendo game is going to end up on one of these lists as long as Kotaku is still hurt over Nintendo’s reaction to their “Thank god for pirates” article.

Friendly reminder that Metroid Dread is better than at least half the games on this list.

“If you have a problem with our communication, ask for a refund”
“okay, refund me then

It’s really nasty to shit on the FN@F creator by calling him a “weird Christian Dude” like that’s very insulting, if he was an Hasidic Jew or Devote Muslim and you called that weird it was be uncalled for. I’m agnostic but this weird thing where we just dump on religious belief as long as their “safe” to mock is

Nostalgia isn’t the only factor. Nintendo is legitimately very different from Sony and Microsoft. Even their so-called iron grip is often a misplaced attempt to respect their characters and property. They’ve eased up some from the days of the 80s where the idea of indie development sent them to court, shutting down

You realize the alternative is that a group of a dozen people brought sealed vintage games worth 10's of thousands of dollars to a disgusting hoarders house all to get 30,000 views on Youtube?

It amazes me that Valve can sit on a mountain of player metrics but be unable to fix this. 

Maybe they could implement a system were a dev can flag their game as short so if a player were to 100% a game it would no longer be available for refund.

Cannot imagine playing or finishing this game without being compelled to see + explore every inch of its map. One of the 5 best games of its generation.  That said, I can hold on the Director’s Cut until actually getting a PS5, probably sometime in 2023 at current pace.

American hang ups with sex but not violence is very unhealthy.

What disgusts me is this is still an issue. The hangups around sex of all things are ridiculous. Oh, it’s partially the legal issues surrounding such things, given repeated government attacks, but a lot of it is just the incredibly unhealthy American attitude.

Yeach, I think Kotaku ought to be writing THIS up instead of giving these guys the article the press they're clearly looking for.

Art can still be iconic and beloved even if the person who made it is not.

Sony abandoned it after the MSX-2+. Panasonic was still producing the successor with MSX Turbo-R. Like the others posted Sony didn't produced the most.

I really wanted one of those dolphin paddle things watching that movie as a kid. 

Oh, good read - thanks for that. Never read that retraction, seemingly got lost under the deluge of mourning and tributes.

Clothed breasts, not matter how large, are not pornography.  

Less dystopian in what ways, precisely?