Tony Garcia

Lost me with your lede...if you think the baseball Hall is meaningless then go write for TMZ, or something.

Looks like the back roads of Temecula.

Swole? He’s been in that exact physical state his whole career. He’s super skinny. Probably weighs 150 lbs. Not one thing has changed about him except he doesn’t throw mid-90s anymore.

This is horrific. I am disgusted beyond words. Lives are at stake. Things must change. Lives...everyone life depends on it.

They’re singing the song...the lyrics of the song.

My God...

Don’t think the UM kids have ever thrown a punch before...ND boys rocked ‘em.

This kid has a mental disorder. In-N-Out is heaven.

No such thing as sexual harassment for men. Weak attempt to lower the screaming voices of damaged women everywhere, but it doesn’t resonate...because it doesn’t exist.

Holy shit, I want the 4 minutes it took me to read this, back.

Seriously admire you (and everyone who writes here)...being an official bad-person-designator must be exhausting.

This is the funniest shit I’ve read in a while. I hope a pickup and a dog named Gander is in your future.

SNES best games list without Ken Griffey Baseball = not valid.

uh, hopefully there’s something more to this...he’s sobbing.

She seems like a delight to be around. Whomever Merton is should fake his own death, or something. Horse will live, relax.

First line of point #2 is the only thing you should’ve written.

It’s just a sign. Calm down. I’m hispanic...couldn’t care less.


So much sense packed into this post, my head might explode. Not used to this from Deadspin.

Cry. More.