
The ad is supposed to entice you to play the game braintrust, it’s supposed to encourage you to purchase it, it’s supposed make you excited for the release. This ad does exactly the opposite, the graphics looks like shit, the person describing the “action” is only highlighting how the dull the gameplay is as he draws

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“Do you remember how loud, condescending, annoying and deceptive the 90's Sega Genesis commercials were? We’re gonna make it exactly like that” - Advertising department internal memo to Inafune

Now playing

Kind of reminds me of the old Sega commercials from the 90's, dumb slang, stupid music, choppy editing, middle aged ad-man talking directly to the audience.

Man, this looks like shit, the cut scenes look like a PS2 game.

You’re right! I want my money back!

The thing with Gene Simmons is, he doesn’t even party. He’s a teetotaler or something, so it’s not like you’re heading up to his hotel room after a few bottles of Cristal or whatever.

Well if it helps to ease the irritation, his father is a famous director and that probably helped his career.

Blah blah blah blah, you’re here, I’m here, we’re all here. We’re doing the same thing. You’re just way older, way lonelier and a million times more pathetic. What are your options, like if I wasn’t here “entertaining” you, what would you be doing? Nothing. Who would you be doing it with? No one. What are you still

Yeah but how do you get your dick wet?

So what kind of beer are we drinkin?

“Again with your false sense of reality. No one said the baby won’t go down.”

There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that you’ve managed to accept the fact that the depressing existence that passes for your life is as good as it’s ever going to get. When I say this, please know that I utterly and truly mean it from the bottom of my younger-than-a-millenial-heart, I am very happy for you.

I’m a 13 year old boy, I can’t be expected to be an expert in google image searching, mental retardation and suicide techniques. Besides, I don’t spend as much time at the playgrounds as you, staring into the blank faces of my next victims so I probably don’t have the eye that you have for the different flavours-I

Oh wow, you did some research eh? Well knowledge is the best preventative measure is a thing that I’m sure someone said. And who needs companionship? Meaningful interests? A sense of community? A warm body to lay next to and take care of you when you’re sick? Or to remember your birthday? You’ve got sick memes. A life

What kind of beer did you get? You seem like a Schlitz guy. Lemme know what you got when you get back from getting that beer that you said you wanted to get. How about that cranky little tyke eh? That unhappy little dude is looking a little bit down and out - get it?!?! Schlitz happens, amirite? (that was a fetal

Man you’re dark, you should really talk to a therapist about your fixation on suicide. Granted if you told a therapist why you’re so fixated on suicide, they’d probably have to report you to the police but you’re gonna have to address that molestation thing sooner or later. I was reading some hilarious comments on

Fido, if you want to use the doggy door and do your little business, just do it. That’s why we installed the door, you don’t have to announce to me your need for relief or project it on to me. Cute picture by the way, is that you tucking in one of your students on an overnight trip? Was this the catalyst for your

My buddy above destroyed your arguments point by point and quote by quote and reduced you to the level of child sticking your fingers in your ears and squeezing your eyes shut while you mumbled about safe spaces and trigger warnings. If you wanna relive that by suggesting you showed him where to put a period, more

You don’t like Molesty? You wanna go back to Fido? I’m fine with it, either way.