
Oh NOW you’re gonna start pretending to give a shit about grammatic errors. Sure thing shop-teach.

The proof is in the puddin’ molesty

Well, you play D&D so that pretty much eliminates gym, you’re writing sucks and yet you aren’t a grammar Nazi so we can eliminate english, your grasp of sociology is laughable so no social studies, you have a terrible personality and a martyr complex so I’m gonna guess something technical like.... woodshop.

I’m not infatuated with kiddy diddling, I’m infatuated with you, and we’ve already established that you’re an embittered closet case, bachelor, former teacher with a burning resentment against youth and an obsession with other peoples sexuality. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..... So how many of your

What class did you teach? I’ll bet a pair of my own, gently soiled, 13 year old boy underpants that I can guess your personal preference based upon which class you taught. It’s the same everywhere. Follow up but unrelated question, this litmus test for deviancy, is this based off of your own experiences? I Mean, I’m

I have no idea what a patreon is but I don’t want to get off topic, anyway - back on track! Kids! How many kids did you diddle in your career as a top tier kiddie diddly?

Oh man, but what if they were? Jesus, they could notify the F.B.I! Do you think the FBI could track your I.P. address? You’re not stupid enough to be storing all your kiddie porn on your hard drive are you? How many kids would you say you touched over the span of your career?

This is you trying to quietly ignore that fact I’ve unmasked you for the kiddie diddler that you are. In fact I think that gif of DCI John Luther is probably clapping at the ease with which I solved this case and my fine skills of deduction. It’s your classic embittered closet freak. Tell me more about how young

Yeeesh, kinda mellowed you right the fuck out didn’t I? Might be that I’m on to something here, Fido!

See, there’s more of the gay/teen stuff I was mentioning, it’s pretty suspect, you a diaper-sniper? Chicken Hawk? Nonce? Beast? Cradle Snatcher? Goof? The evidence is mounting Fido. It’s not looking good.

Game recognize amirite? I knew that your preoccupation with a transexual videogame character hinted at a deep internal longing. I mean, lets look at the evidence here: preoccupation with homosexuality - check. Repeated references to “educating the youth” (some definite daddy/twink shit going there). Bitter resentment

That’s a good boy, play dead.

“Girdle of masculinity/feminity!”

“I cited exaaaaaaaamples”

“It’s paaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnderriiiiiiiiiinnnnnggg!”

“But... but... but... we’ve been replying all night...

The controversy is some crybaby neckbeards had their “immersion” ruined by a single string of dialogue by some random 1 off character. Everyone else saw it and shrugged then went on with their lives but it clearly shook something inside the closet cases like you which is why you’re all crying about it. A grown man,

Here comes the dog to his masters whistle! C’mere Fido, you can lick my hand.

The “controversy” is about a fictional character in a D&D game, that is only on this site because of it’s connection to a D&D game and you yourself repeatedly referenced D&D information to argue against the characters inclusion in the - wait for it - D&D game. You’re talking about Dungeons and Dragons, you’re talking

Interesting you should bring up psychotherapeutic medication, your delusional belief in a display of emotion, despite of the total absence of evidence supporting said belief suggests that you’re a person who has trouble accepting reality. Well, unless you consider the ability to compose an argument comprised of more