
This is you talking about Ed Greenwood, the creator of Forgotten Realms and you saying you’ve read every Forgotten Realms book until the 3rd/4th edition right?

Yeah yeah, we all heard your alleged claim that you were a teacher in a past life or whatever. If the act of replying proves saltiness, I don’t need to remind you that you too, are replying, each and everytime. In what way can you possibly think you’ve hurt my feelings? Me and 2fast2war completely got you pegged

Salty would imply that you had the ability to anger me, you really give yourself way too much credit. I just think you’re a bit of a joke and a confirmed idiot so I plan to remind you of it whenever I’m on a gawker site and see that I’ve got a new notification from you. So keep em coming

There’s nothing to recognize. There’s me, serving you repeatedly, in this case correcting your use of the word “dank”. And then there’s you, liking your own comments the second you publish them, trying your absolute damnedest gain a momentary upper hand by ending the conversation. I will credit you for not injecting a

This thing you have with liking your own comments - it’s adorable. I’ll follow you wherever your stupidity takes us my new best friend. “I believe it’s hypocrisy to cry foul if you’re willing to do the “same.” The same - you mean wear a racist logo? So you do agree that the Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins

So you agree that the Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins logos are racist then?

Are you just recommending all of your own comments? You’re hilarious.

This your attempt to claim the last word? WTF are you talking about can’t help but respond? We’ve been responding to each other since last night, why would I suddenly stop now? On snap:…

Hahah have another bong hit.

Now playing

This is cool, so you’re doing some kind of Freaky Friday thing in which you’re a 12 year old trapped in an adults body? Or possibly two kids wearing a trenchcoat? You hilarious, beautiful, loser. What’s it like to watch everything you love change to cater to the hated progressives? How does it feel to have all “your”


Lol, a gay joke? D&D players are supposed to be creative, Cheech. Try throwing in one of those pictures of the Jew caricature rubbing his hands together that your so fond of, or come straight out with it and say fag or queer or something. Don’t start going all half-measures on me with oblique references to crayons and

Your intelligence and articulation are wasted on this pleeb. He actually used “libtard” in a sentence.

Is “danke” like, the Olde English spelling because this all took place in the middle ages? I thought you smoked herb grandpapa? The word is “dank” try and keep up.

Is “danke” like, the Olde English spelling because this all took place in the middle ages? I thought you smoked herb grandpapa? The word is “dank” try and keep up.

For a guy who holds millennials in such utter disdain you sure enjoy using their memes and composing your feelings like a millennial:”MUH RAPE! MUH CIVIL RIGHTS! MUH FEELS!” - you really think anyone over 30 of any substance actually talks like this?

Lol Damn Reverend! Back at it again with the memes and the dismiss button!

For a guy who holds millennials in such utter disdain you sure enjoy using their memes and composing your feelings like a millennial:”MUH RAPE! MUH CIVIL RIGHTS! MUH FEELS!” - you really think anyone over 30 of any substance actually talks like this?

Now playing

“Don’t fuck with old school, we’ve been at this game longer and prefer reals over feels.”