
You’re not British, Irish, or Russian, are you?

I am a doctor.

But, it sucked from the very beginning. You don’t get a pass now.

Wait how does that *prevent* abuse?

I eagerly await the Schumerlash. Rare is such an untalented hack who cribs most of her act from other, better comediennes and gladly profits off the same schtick that “woke” writers should openly denounce.

part of the patronizing and tone deaf sex worker rescue industry

As a microbiologist I’ve been trying to get people to stop using that shit for years, but I think I finally gave up a little while back. Yay, FDA!

Does this mean I won’t have to spend 10 minutes in the soap aisle trying to find one of the two handsoaps that aren’t anti-bacterial now?! This is brilliant news! Down with the bacteria hysteria and up with good old fashioned soap and just actually washing your hands.

The only thing that’s more shit-smeared than the bathroom doorknob are all of our phones. I’m still alive.

THANK YOU. I tried to watch her shit show because of Jezebel and I was like, really?

It was also Jezebel that offered a bounty on Dunham’s un-retouched vogue photos. So, maybe Jezebel earned some of Dunham’s scorn?

I read this a mishegoss

It’s not just weird and icky it can actually be dangerous. Teach9ing your kids correct terminology and anatomy can help prevent them from being abused.

I would have gone with “misogynobject.”

Which is why I don’t do this for a living.

Has it become self-aware at this point? There’s actually a devastating satire to be had with these characters, but instead the early writing insists that, despite their “quirks” (whininess and pretension) and “questionable decisions” (being spoilt gentrifiers), they’re still lovable people worth rooting for. I

You’re not the only one. I’m reasonably certain that’s what she meant.

While I agree that everything here is awful, am I the only one who reads the “it” in the “do I want to fuck it” as being Lena?

I watched three episodes of Girls and couldn’t believe how much it lacked self unawareness. I kept waiting for the punch line— waiting for it to reveal itself as a parody of stereotypical Millenials, waiting for it to let me know it was in on the joke: Hannah is terrible! But I kept watching and came to the horrific

Lest we remind you that it was JEZEBEL that couldn’t get enough of Dunham when her show first premiered. I and many others kept commenting that she was over-rated as fuck and no one at Jezebel would listen.

To be fair, we’re still treating crack addicts like garbage.