Fumoto valve seems like the better solution, but I guess this would be nice for the first oil change when I need to toss the old plug and install the fumoto.
Fumoto valve seems like the better solution, but I guess this would be nice for the first oil change when I need to toss the old plug and install the fumoto.
I can assure you a large engine like a car will take a small amount of bad gas far better than a lawn mower will. 5 gallons of junk mixed with 15 of fresh in a car will run, any junk in a lawn mower and you’ll be rebuilding the carburetor shortly.
Nah, for that you really want a couple gallons of diesel & some old tires (removed from the rims).
Spoken like someone who has never owned a gas-powered lawn mower.
At the end of the mowing season, I pour my remaining gas (1 or 2 gallons) into my car when the car’s tank is mostly full. It dilutes fine and the car runs without issue. I do the same thing again at the end of snowblower season.
Exactly was super irritating, had to watch the time on the videos carefully and quick hit pause before it finished so it wouldn’t kick me to another page. Stupid Kinja garbage.
But fun article and videos otherwise, cool seeing how capable these are.
Could you please, please, please turn off the auto-play for embedded videos? If I don’t pause it quickly enough at the end of the video, it automatically brings me away from the article and to the page for whatever the next video that is queued up, which is very frustrating.
How have I never seen the rear door of a GX open that way? I can’t tell if it’s more or less convenient, but it sure looks crazy.
Not to beat the Mike Rowe drum, but welders can make really good money. Realize this guy has probably been bringing in a paycheck since he was 20 with no loans to pay back. Your local welding shop guy probably does alright and he stays put. If you take the training, pass the tests, and are WILLING to travel, you can…
I’m trying to wrap my head around the sight of Prince and Sinead O’Connor involved in a foot chase through L.A. in the middle of the night and NOT have “Yakety Sax” play in my head when I do.
Same. Seeing this car in Hot Rod agazine was one of the first things that gave me hope for the performance future as a 16-year-old kid, that we could actually look forward to better things instead of having to continue to look backwards at them. I mean, it’s not like you could go order this at your Chevy dealer or…
I just loved how normal it looked on the outside. No Gaudiness or Gauche. It’s just “yea I can do 250mph, but I enjoy long walks on the beach”.
Oh man I loved this thing as a kid growing up.
Is this going to result in another slide-show? In which case - pass.
Is this going to result in another slide-show? In which case - pass.
Not sure I would call that buff? Seems like he just lost a ton of weight instead.
I hate getting screwed too, but for me it's really about convenience. If the toilet handle is messed up, I can solve it one of two ways. Option A: I can drive down to the local hardware store, spend a few bucks in parts, fix it myself and have a working toilet again inside of an hour, as well as a sense of…
Unless maybe you broke whatever yourselves. You break it, you fix it, OK. You break it, you demand someone else fix it, you're an asshole.