
65 Thunderbird..... 1st car to have sequential turn signals kinda set the standard.

The train didnt “tear a car hauler in half”.....

We need a laughing emoji......

So what youre saying is to continue what Ive been doing while using an ATM for 35+ years......??
Be aware of my surroundings, be smart, and use COMMON FREAKING SENSE!!
Im glad I had to read an article to tell me that, but in all honesty I was expecting an article like this to be from Elizabeth Yuko......

As soon as I read “Naperville” I wasnt surprised....
I grew up about 10 miles from there in Chicagos west burbs, and 40 years ago they were snobbish, self centered, etc., etc.... And its only gotten worse. Im sure this teacher is just carrying on the Naperville tradition......

All of you writers are taking the easy way out of your job....
You write a headline, then when we open the article, read a few sentences, then it hits us click on this link” to actually read the article or watch a video about the article you didnt want to write...

LJS is OK....
But I doubt any of you there are old enough to remember Arthur Treachers....

Great work..... just like Elizabeth.....
Headline says “Heres a list....”
Open the article, and “Click on this link.....”

Almost 40 years ago, was taking a midterm in H.S., and if you were late you couldnt take it. A buddy of mine showed up about 15 minutes late, clothes were dirty and messed up, had some road rash on his hands and arms.
He talked to the instructor, sat down and took the exam. As we were walking out, I asked what

Gamma radiation release you say........

For when you are done with the job, when you need to take a break, when you are stumped, or waiting for a buddy to come lend a hand......

BJs truck was a Kenworth K100 Aerodyne....

Home Run Inn is average at best.....

Portillos was good before Dick sold it....

Youre familiar with her “writing”......

Man, this is just like over at Lifehacker....
A certain “writer” (who will not be named) over there always does this.... Click this link to read the whole story.....
Ummmm no.....

5 year old me in 1973 thought Speed was the coolest car!!

Just make sure you make the person who wants the tow hook up the straps to their vehicle...... if the plastic bumper cover gets ripped off, because they dont know to attach it to the frame, thats their fault....