Toecutter X

The Quebecois gov't also bans English on all signs and tries to remove the word "pasta" from Italian restaurant menus. We have a saying up here in Canada. "Fuck Quebec."

This gets reposted with such frequency that I really fail to see why anyone bothers pointing it out any more, it's not like it'll do anything. Just watch it again or go find another article, it's not hard.

"He's an inspiration to us all."

You are correct. I read the Kelleher story, too (somewhere). Customers will put you out of business. It sounds crazy, but it's true.

ur bldg is going 2 b bombed. friend us 4 more wrnings

they know how to celebrate getting LeBron back

It's how the Japanese do (airplane) porn.

I felt a great disturbance in the force. As if millions of Heat jerseys were folded and suddenly put in the back of closets.

"Fuck you, Pay me"

"And I thought I took a beating"

well, technically, this does count as taking your Land Rover "off road"...

I bet the average Corolla driver takes it off road more than the average Land Rover driver.

I have nothing to add except that this guy looks exactly like a Garbage Pail Kid.

"I can't go to work and be a dick to everyone" yet somehow I get the idea that you're always a dick to everyone.

Inverted, you say?

...except it wasn't just two Japanese cities. We did that to pretty much all of Japan and Germany. The 2 nukes just get all the press.

Russia used to have commas, but they used them all up under Commanism.

Maybe Danica will party like this too... someday!

Typical right-wing media trying to force their gun-peens down the throats of children.