Except then you'd be driving a boxster. And so will the dentist next door who knows nothing about cars. And probably the retired school teacher whose pension lets him binge a little.
Except then you'd be driving a boxster. And so will the dentist next door who knows nothing about cars. And probably the retired school teacher whose pension lets him binge a little.
This article is the definition of why the apocalypse is upon us. Look I like games just as much as a lot of people do. But for crying out loud get outside and ride your bike once in awhile.
But a Range Rover will breakdown and require $39,000 in repairs over its lifespan.
Except that AC is absolute shit.
The fact that you stated Anderson Valley as the most underrated brewery in the country means you know what you're talking about. I tell everyone this. I live in beer nirvana in Denver and that secret nugget brewery in CA is amazing. I hate all summer beers except Summer Solstice. Possibly the best beer no one…
This piece is what Pulitzer's are made of.
His penmanship is much better than I would have expected.
Not a single GX470 on here or Lexus at all for that matter? Granted you have several toyota's but still, the GX470 will run for 300,000 miles in the mid-Aught years.
Yeah it hasn't been clear if PS4 is actually getting these or not. do you know?
This video proves money can't buy good clothing taste or skinny pills.
Wait, they're different vehicles? Don't tell the Kardashians.
I have a '74 with a 351W that I've been restoring for about a year. I absolutely love it. Its so much fun with the top off. Totally different driving experience that you can't buy today.
But they aren't ridding of the Raptor right? Just coming later?
What no PT Cruisers?
Why does he say "his business." He built nothing.
Spelunker was another terribly horrible game. I downloaded it as an adult and realized that nothing had changed. I immediately gave up.
Agreed completely. Ghosts n Goblins and Rygar were the two hardest games ever made in the history of video games. Contra was so easy. I don't understand what everyone is talking about.
I am calling so much b.s. on this and the OP. Contra was one of the easiest games ever made. If you didn't beat it I honestly feel bad for you guys.
How are Rygar and Ghost n Goblins not on this list. Absolute fail. Contra! That game was one of the easiest games ever. Spread gun. Game over.
No one gives a fuck about the Steelers.