Good for them. Cheers.
Good for them. Cheers.
Well I am pretty sure I figured out how Marcus Vick is getting bankrolled on his corporate ventures seeing as his brother is all legit and stuff now.
What's with the mini afro? Either push all your hair into the pot or cash out clean.
ESPN is absolutely terrible but I agree. I am 33 with a more than fulltime job and two kids. It carries very little of anything I care about. It promised to carry the Crossfit Games Final live and then failed to do so instead opting to continue showing f*cking tennis.
COD and BF are both so terrible. Come on guys. Do something else. Yeah it sells 20 mil copies. FB has a billion users. It doesn't mean either of them are cool. Its just what everyone knows so its what everyone does.
Good for him. Not sure I understand how Duchene knew the backstory but whatever. Go Avs.
OMG I hate our team. But yet I will continue to spend 1000s of dollars a year, including flying across the country for a game that we will definently lose.
Oh geezus, Whitlock! The guy is an absolute travesty. His self-aggrandizing approach works for Jeter, not for Jason. That show will survive solely on his attempts to create headline spurring anecdotes and quotes that serve only his agenda.
Did you lose weight Drew? I'll buy your book. If I write a hilarious review on Amazon can I have my money back?