
The ageism is really annoying me. Hell, I’m 31, and I’m voting for HRC and I’ve had people in their mid-20s tell me I don’t “get it” because I’m not “young.” I’m like HAHAHAHA, and also, really? 31 is decrepit now? So annoying.

Hell, I don't care for either one but will be voting straight D come November . It really isn't that hard.

Interesting point, and I don’t really know how to get any actual data on this, but I have had the same experience. Every Hillary supporter I know (and I include myself in this) seems to be approaching this election from an incredibly pragmatic view. We want a good president, we want a Democrat, we think she is better

Please don’t ever misquote me. I did not put this on any scale in which you can judge me. For the official record, I do think being an asshole is always the wrong thing to do. I also don’t think - once an asshole, always an asshole - but if you want, you can prove me wrong.

That one got an aggressive eye-roll from me too. Besides the inherent idiocy of assuming people who are “old” (god seriously, 40 is old??) can’t use the internet, it has this terrible taste of diminishing older feminists into confused soccer moms who are bad at technology or something. Maybe there is a reason all

No one. Literally not one. But my sample size is small too. I’m not sure I know that many enthusiastic Hillary supporters who are my age though. My county is one of 3, all in the same area, in Tennessee that voted for Bernie over Clinton so I’m pretty insulated by Bernie supporters. I’m pretty sure most of my friends

Seriously, when did fellow 40 somethings become the subject of ridicule?

Won’t. He released just the 1040 form for 2014, no details about his taxes, and has not released any other years, despite the strong tradition of presidential candidates releasing at least 10 years. When asked he hims and haws about how his wife does their taxes..... (eyeroll) THAT’S WEAK TEA. YOU’RE RUNNING FOR

I can’t stop saying this! I support Hillary but never say anything negative about Bernie because I don’t want to poison others against him should he win the nomination. Why is this so fucking hard to understand?

Thank you! He was such a nice man. His supporters have been shitty this entire time but he’s always been so classy and normal. All of a sudden shit went to the left. Figuratively and literally.

He was asked about it in an interview recently, and his response was that his wife does their taxes, they’ve been busy, and they’ll get around to it. (Not exaggerating)

He’s been asked over and over again. He replied with basically “my wife does them so I can’t”

Ok, so I had a bunch of white people telling me how minorities should vote for Bernie because he’s obviously so good for us and why can’t we just realise that??!!

Everyone on either side of the Hillary/Bernie divide needs to have all the fucking seats and shut the hell up already. I might not survive until November.

It does make me additionally concerned about what his reaction will be when 0% of his legislative agenda makes it through his first term due to the Republicans' geographical advantages in the House.


JFC. Democrats are being handed this election to them on a silver fucking platter, and they want to set it on fire. Support your candidate, don’t denigrate the other, and whoever wins the nod, vote -D. It’s really not that fucking hard.

I like this one

The more clear it is that Sanders is not going to be the nominee the more immature and rude a certain subsection of his supporters are getting. It’s vicious. At the same time Sanders is refusing to release tax returns and doesn’t have actual plans for his main campaign promises. Radio silence.

Tyga, was reportedly “happy” that she was “so happy.”