
The flu and gastro at the same time

I’m confused. Where did they stick the tampon?

And the part where you feel extra fat, at the same time super hungry.

Sonja: You were an Eskimo? No wonder you want to go out at night.

Where’s the part where they didn’t know their period was coming and somebody looked at them funny at a meeting and they fought back tears for the rest of the day and felt like they had gone insane until the blood came the following morning?

What about the joys of sneezing on your period? Or standing up after a long period of sitting and feeling ***the gush***


Nah, they tried the least unpleasant part of periods. You get used to leaking old uterus bits. Or I do anyways. But the pain... :|

And good luck if you have a cold while on your period. You know what happens when you cough or sneeze too hard. :(

Right? They experienced fake blood for a week. What a joke, that’s the easiest part of your period to get rid of if you are on certain kinds of birth control. Otherwise, HELLO TRY GUYS, WANT TO EXPERIENCE LIFE AWASH IN HORMONAL RAGE? IT’S GREAT, I KNOW YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME, BUT LIKE, YOU SHOULD EXPERIENCE FOR

LOL HA HA HA not the same, not the same at all, all the pain, migraines, mental meltdowns, bloating, etc..... But then I will till movie “Junior” will come true.

Unless it mimics the pain and general uncomfortable feeling, no they don't know what periods are like.

Period blood is only part of the whole period experience. Were they forced to use stool softeners to get period shits? What about a cramp machine? What about having to pass blood clots?


My uncle went to law school with the Clintons and he said once a bunch of guys were standing around talking shit about girls and ranking them from least to most fuckable when Hillary happened to walk past and hear them. She kinda iced them a little and then one of the guys was like, ‘Well, aren’t you going to say hi

Birdie Sanders doesn’t need transportation that burns fuel and power and ruins the environment. He calls his woodland friends and a giant eagle appears to carry him where ever he desires.

I know! I was a kid in the 90s, but I swear I remember them talking about her like she was hideous (I know they did about Chelsea). She’s an extremely attractive person (not that it matters).

i will now participate

I still want to see Bernie Sanders jump a turnstile, though.