
Regarding the legality? The argument by Epic is that this is more about antitrust laws, that Apple has such a large portion of the market and absolute control over everything that happens on their devices that it’s allowed them to use one monopoly (that iOS is the only operating system allowed on iPhones and iPads) to

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UnrealEngine going to the SuperBowl? I have 2 words to say about that.

On the contrary, I was more than pleasantly surprised by a deeper, more personal article than what the title implied.

“I left a series of Xbox Series X boxes at my serious ex’s (Sirius) boxing series one time.”

That’s a real sentence now, thanks to microsoft.

Surprise twist: All the players he kills are brain dead in their futuristic VR rigs.

Feeling kind of dumb right now for just realizing Ian Walker of Kotaku is also the same Ian Walker from Shoryuken...

Today I learned that Battleborn hasn’t already been shut down, as I had previously assumed.

Well, if Schreier is the one breaking this news, it’s probably already been canceled.

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Keef has my favorite take on the subject:

No, because I’m an adult and $60 for what is being warmly received - explicitly recalling experiences similar to Red/Blue -and reported as a minimum 40 hour game (not including meta) seems like a solid deal.

I know you meant this sarcastically, but it did make me more likely to buy the game.

is it difficult being this boring of a person

Real talk on something I just want to get off my chest: all the negative coverage BL3 is getting here is starting to get to me. This isn’t a selfish, “ugh stop bashing a game I like, you’re so wrong,” thing. I like the journalism and dissenting opinions are fine. I’ve agreed with a lot of the points made in some of

waaaaaaait a sec, is voting with one’s wallet working?

tft for phones.. yes. please yes.

I literally couldn’t care less if someone feels uncomfortable at BlizzCon. That’s actually the entire point. The truth often hurts, and when it comes to brutally cracking down on dissent, jailing and murdering thought criminals, and interning and brainwashing Muslims, there is no middle ground, and no one committing

And what about fans from Hong Kong who are uncomfortable with Blizzard’s actions? Or other nations that China similarly has interests in?

No. Taking away peoples civil liberties and free speech is ALWAYS wrong. If that makes the Chinese apologist fans uncomfortable somewhere they went to have a good time, then good, that’s the point. They should be uncomfortable, they are on the wrong side of the issue.

It is ASTOUNDING to me how many people don’t understand that companies are allowed to make decisions, and we’re allowed to call them shitheads. This applies to people too.

Wonder if there will be cosplay of this version of Mei at Blizzcon next month