
It’s a subsidiary of WarnerMedia. It feels like it’s a distinction without a difference. Is there something I’m missing?

If we’re being fair, Joss only made a slightly different shit show from the darker shit show that was originally intended.

So Snyder suffered a horrible personal tragedy while making a movie that cost a quarter billion dollars. He was lucky enough to have Whedon step in and try to finish that movie for him at a time when he couldn’t. I respected how he acted at the time.

I was hoping for Yankee Chicks but hope died in 2020 so.

Underrated comment.

They should have upgraded to Dixie Starship.

I thought this episode was quite entertaining as well. There are some real WTF moments throughout the entire series and in this episode. None of them have really bothered me enough to care past a minute or two though.

Hey I get the internet is the place where fan rage is cool, but I can’t be the only one who is enjoying this show and enjoyed this episode considerably, can I?

I wouldn’t discount Once Upon a Time in Hollywood either. You know what Hollywood really likes? Hollywood.

Are you discounting Finn as a new Force user?

Stormtroopers hit Baby Yoda?!!?

This is the Way

Ah no she just quit, turned her back on the galaxy, moved to an island, cut herself off from the force and refused to help her friends because she had a bad day one time.

Why is everyone a quitter?

Easy enough. He’s only on SNL 3 minutes a week.

If you’re a true fan, you won’t watch any of his TV appearances either.

Good for Pete Davidson! It’s about time he stood up to people coming to see his shows! I, for one, will help him out by not going to them. Take that, audiences!

So it’ll be a boring light show due to the unlimited resources computer CGI brings and no one saying “you know, I think there’s such a thing as too much.”

From rumors I heard...The ending features the greatest spaceship battle ever seen in the history of motion pictures! Things happen that are so many mind blowing you won’t believe what you’re watching. ILM out does itself.

I hope it’s true!