
They’re always thisclose. In Kelly’s first two years they had a ton of losses on fluke plays here and there. We kept being told it could have gone either way, he’s better than his record, etc etc. Then last year, THISCLOSE to beating FSU and being undefeated late and who knows how it would have turned out? They’ll

False. Marty mornhinweg did it.

Wasn’t sure what to make of this report until the GM weighed in, but now we’ve gotten a denial straight from the horse’s mouth.

Day says the good news is that Ellie is fine. But she can no longer enjoys listening to Dave Matthews Band.

Chill out guys. In a hundred years, we will all be dust and bone, and American Pharaoh will be holding together a first-grader’s art project.

That fridge really tied the room together.

And that was only a hit by a corner.

The Masked Man too!!!!

Bring back Katie Bakes!!!!!

For when the One Sports Network comes


I think that was W’s trope, too. Except he happened to fall into the crosshairs of Dick Cheney and Karl Rove as the perfect patsy for their heist of the American government.

Gawd, he’s almost like Fredo at this point.

What the actual fuck? The median home price in Great Falls, Virginia is something like 47 million dollars. We’re not talking about backwoods hillbillies like they have in McLean. This is where Lockheed Martin bought a house for the Secretary of Defense, not where shlubs like senior partners at AmLaw 100 firms live

Don’t sweat the difficulties, Albert. If we know one thing about gamers, it’s that they’re not particularly hypersensitive to any sort of direct or even indirect criticism about their hobby.

Don’t make fun of our vowels and I won’t make fun of yours. Our laptops are made by blackberry and, like enforced wearing of lululemon we must purchase them all. It’s basically a soviet gulag up here. We can only clean our bathrooms once a month when the lysol shipments from the usa arrive. someone send help. or build

And just like Tits McGee, this dumb fuck is on vacation.

This team only got a lead in The NL East after The Mets went on a streak of offensive ineptitude that bordered on legendary. There were players playing out of position for most of the year and the bullpen was damaged before the Papelbon arrival. There was an excellent piece on this team’s unraveling written in The

unless you want to pitch. then it's cool, go warm up.