
Swine staring at pearls in one....two...three

I believe you came in that way.

Please note the angry how dare you drink while nursing comments if you want to be even more deeply depressed.

May I suggest a library, see Russian political writers.

If you post an indignant comment about drinking and nursing or demand to.know how Joanna could write something if she was dead, please return to your illiterate brethren over on Facebook. YOU ARE IN OVER YOUR HEAD HERE.


Oh my God, do you not get it? Have you never read Metamorphosis or allegories?

Pearls before swine, darlin.

Listening to the disdain some of the commenter have for noobs and non soul cyclists, I think back to my second cancer surgery when I started yoga to try to preserve what body I had left. I was sore, stiff, and 25 lbs overweight from steroids. I still remember Jackass LaLanne standing over me as I wallowed on the floor


No, no, it’s all ruined now. I can’t be happy. An anonymous commenter on the internet is disappointed in me.

Well, I certainly bow to your expertise. I’ve only been handling them now and then for the last four decades so I’m sure I probably don’t understand how they work. I probably won’t be able to get this semi automatic back together now or adjust the pull on the trigger. I feel so ashamed.

Come huddle under the blanket with me. I am equally frightened. We are living The Dead Zone.

You have utterly pwned me, Paul Blart.

See how you are? Now you’re trying to read my mind. We needed you there at the Cincinnati Zoo.

I am up to my ass in a moral sinkhole, Beaver. You have no idea.

I grew up.just as you did, rural, my family hunted, and guns, long guns and sidearms, are part of my life.

It’s all right. Once I threw a boot at a roommate when I was hungover because the son of a bitch was flipping through a magazine and it was killing me. There is no tired like new baby tired.

I do not know where you get this idea but I assure you that if you are standing close to someone and fire, you are either holding the wrong end or have the muzzle pointed upward.

Two dozen honeybuns and four big Macs from outside will buy just about anything. I volunteer to get the Big Macs.