
Just repeat to yourselves “It’s just a film, I should really just relax!”

Ah, nothing better than spending Labor Day Weekend with...... good food, and......good friends.....OH GOD WHAT A CHARADE!

I keep calling Superion Captain Amazing in my head. I can’t imagine why.

Jim Henson’s Incest Babies!

The first thing I saw Peter in was an episode of Black Books (one of my favorite episodes of the series.) I’m enjoying watching him as the Tick.

He’s a character from the Song of Monty and Python series.

Westerosi Man Has Great Ass

I agree. As the old cliche goes, LF trained Sansa well. Too well.

Plus with all the hardships both of them have been through, I can understand the difficulty they may have trusting anyone.

Lol now I am picturing Cersei and Jamie being made to live in an attic.

Lol evil Joshua Jackson.

Which means Podrick should be Azor Ahai reborn.

And yet not having a problem with Bran and Bronn.”

Eegah Targaryen!

It felt a little like Ramsay’s death in the sense of “The North has bigger issues to deal with, and we don’t have time or patience to deal with your BS anymore.”

ShowPeter reminds me of Frank Underwood. They’re too obviously manipulative to get away with a lot of what they do.

Not enough opportunities for product placement in Westeros

I wonder if it would have been better if he kept his wits about him, right up until every man in the room refusing to fight for him in a trial by combat. Then maybe realizing that he is out of options would have made the grovelling seem more characteristic.