This is a common move. I'm sure Jeremy and Natalie didn't expect it to be a game-changer or anything like that, but this is a social game, and it is good to make people like you. I don't see how it was dumb.
This is a common move. I'm sure Jeremy and Natalie didn't expect it to be a game-changer or anything like that, but this is a social game, and it is good to make people like you. I don't see how it was dumb.
Expose to whom? To Missy and Baylor? But he already told them that! Or to the other alliance? Who cares about that, they are the minority, they can't do anything. I'm not arguing that he literally threw a dice and decided who to vote (ala Borneo Sean), I accept he has a strategy, but it is one so far from any…
Certainly at some point they should take Jeremy out, but this game is all about timing, and this one was horrible. I agree the best time would be somewhere between 6-8. Six would probably be too late, unless you can make Jeremy and Natalie strongly believe you are taking them to the end, but you should never do a move…
I wonder what people here consider Jeremy could have done different/better. What got me particularly pissed about this episode is that if I were in Jeremy's place I wouldn't do anything different. He played well assuming the other players were rational, but they weren't, and they completely screwed him (and…
Didn't they do a foot challenge in One World (IIRC) where they had to build a skeleton fish puzzle with their feet? They tried to sell this one as the first *completely* foot-operated challenge, which is kind of cheap.
I also got completely surprised, but I don't find "completely random" to be any better than boring. Blindsides usually imply a player being outsmarted by another. I don't even know if we can call this a blindside. How could Jeremy see this coming? It was completely random and non-strategic.
I guess the producers didn't want to waste their precious last moments with the last good character of the season.
When I saw Keith voting for Reed I "knew" Jeremy wasn't going out because it simply makes no sense to vote someone of your alliance out without telling the other one. It is not like J&J and B&M flipped alliances, they created a new 4(+1) people alliance, and that is so absurd I never considered it might have happened.
Could this episode be more spoiled by the edit? I understand they tried the "missed chance" theme to try to save last episode, but it completely ruined any suspense for this one.
I feel a person's stupidness is the more aggravating the more power the person has. I wouldn't be so against Jon if we hadn't spent the last entire three episodes contemplating his indecisiveness and lack of any sort of strategic thinking.
My mnemonic was "Ask my son's taste", but yours seems better.
Yes, I feel the same, it doesn't fit the clue at all, it should be at sea level, not above. And well, at the place they put it, a clue stating "there is an immunity idol here" would've been enough. It was simply at the most obvious and visible point in the island.
Well, although the phrasing wasn't good, she was completely right that choosing your alliance based on FTC is putting the cart way ahead of the horses. They would (will) have plenty of opportunities to get rid of Jeremy later on.
I also always thought that generally speaking alcohol should be a no-no in survivor. First, it is a game, and you want to keep your full wits while playing it.
He is playing it rather badly. He is always indecisive, which is quite annoying, and his strategy seems to be purely to ally himself to whoever speaks to him last (tonight it was Missy).
Seriously? At least to me Jon is being portrayed as one of the most stupid people in the season (and that is saying a lot). I do think that Jaclyn is looking better each week, though, and given female winners usual underedit, I think she is a strong contender.
It seems to me the "couples strong" talk was only to bring J&J into the fold. Today it seemed to be more like a boys' alliance, and Alec appears to be particularly strongly tied with Wes and Keith.
According to the preview of next week Jon got his mind pretty set with Josh for some reason. Of course if the edit this season is to be trusted the least he will eventually yield, but I'm not sure if a couple of hours would've been enough.
I don't know, I feel Jon and Jaclyn destroyed their game this last couple of weeks, if they stay with Missy and Baylor they might get to be in the majority, but they will be on the outs, no one in Hunahpu liked Jon anyway.
But didn't a guy in Borneo say he didn't use the toilet for like three weeks?