
You can complain about a lot of things in Magic, but complaining about power creep really just doesn't make sense, since most of the strongest cards in the game are decades old. In the most recent three or four sets I can count in one hand the amount of cards that are playable in eternal formats, and you could build

I just wanted to put out there that you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

I loved her DGAF confessional after being voted out, "I don't like this game much, they can have at it."

I think Stephen was right to say that the Spencer, Jeremy, and himself were on the bottom. The show didn't give much information on that, unfortunately, but I don't think it is unlikely. We see the game shaped by the edit we are given, and since the edit for them is very good and portrays them as awesome players and

I would place Kimmi at Keith's tier: only appears on-screen when they do something really memorable (like driving a tuk-tuk or naming the episode). Well, I guess for all we knew that could have been Kelly's tier as well.

SJDS sucks because some players decided to employ the "let's eliminate all threats" strategy, which, not only wasn't good—-since the main proponent of the strategy was a threat himself—-, but lead into a horrible post-merge with boring players (although the ending itself was okay).

It is funny also how after Jeff says you don't have to be pretty to play Survivor they show Keith spitting on the floor.

When they showed her crying for not being picked up for reward challenge, I even felt quite sorry for her. (Which is not something I thought I could feel.)

I think that the problem is that Kelly's confessionals and conversations were simply boring, and they would make bad TV.

The only reason why we don't see people plotting against Joe (other than Stephen) is because he is winning challenges, but it has been implied (at least to me) by the way people speak and act that since the merge the moment he loses immunity he is gone. (For the Kass vote it is debatable whether he would be going

I think this comment is a negative gay stereotype.

It is clear that you wasted more thought on the Star Wars prequels than George Lucas did.

I can get behind their decision not to split the votes. If they do an even split, it would be 5-4-3. But Joe is already more there than here, he was openly strategizing with the women, and I guess by that point it was already common knowledge that he knew Stephen was gunning for him. So that makes it a 4-4-4, which is

Maybe no one volunteered to give the lonely votes for someone that is most likely staying in the game?

I don't get that. If someone keeps talking ill of you to other people, sooner or later they will start listening to it. Better get him out and clear the air. (It is the same principle for why it is always unwise to make an enemy of your mother-in-law.)

If Ciera voted for Wentworth, it would have been null and Savage would have gone home with one vote, no?

I don't remember seeing a third blob. It was just Spencer and Joe in the middle.

Yes, I actually have the opinion that Kass did nothing wrong. Her plan to vote out Woo was completely sound assuming (which was very reasonable) that the merge wouldn't happen now, and even with the merge, as you said, it is not obvious she worsened her position. Tasha was simply way too much on her bad side.

Yes, that would be the queen of winner quotes.

The idea of reciting a poem, while weird in a normal situation, I guess is acceptable when everyone is bored to death like they seemed to be there. The reaction shots I see more as the producers trying to make Stephen look ridiculous (again) than as it being a bad social move by him.