
It would be the funniest thing, if Joe were to win all ICs to the end and have the "perfect game", being immune the entire season. On a side note, Joe himself acknowledges in his bonus confessional that his plan now is to win 10 ICs in a roll.

I also now officially predict that Jeremy is not winning this game. If you see his secret confessionals, they would be way too good to let pass if he were to win (although a bit on the obvious side). With Jeremy out, I have no qualms to officially predict Wentworth is the winner of this season. (Spencer is the only

Oh, poor Kass, she really got screwed big time by this Survivor twist. Has there ever been a merge with so many people? If she could have had one extra week to get rid of Savage, she would have been set very well on the merge, and the dream of Kass win would remain alive.

I agree. I can base it only on what we see on the show, but she is nowhere near the level of awfulness of Will, Colton, etc., that makes me dislike a season.

Savage was blessed to be swapped together with Tasha. If he had been sent with Kelley instead, he would be enjoying the pool at Ponderosa right now (or rather, months ago), no questions asked.

I believe that this has the makings of a good winner's edit for Spencer. The way he has been portrayed fits the "second chances" theme perfectly.

I think he just wanted to avoid the tie (again). Why put your hand on the fire for anyone else?

I don't want to defend Abi, but people speak like she turned on her alliance out of nowhere, while PG said herself while voting that she was gunning for Abi since day one. And when she said she was on the bottom people laughed, but Shirin said in her exit interview that the alliance wanted to vote Abi out, and I doubt

She did say in her extra confessional that she is taking her idol to every IC for safety, so I think she'll be with it.

The problem is that if you are going to swap to 3 tribes (and this is not something you decide overnight), you HAVE to do it at 18.

EVEN if he could recruit others from the majority alliance, why would he? Shirin and Spencer were literally the people he knew (and probably liked) the least in the entire tribe. Why throw away his alliance for two strangers?

Speaking in hindsight, Shirin starting so strongly was probably not so good a move as people tended to think last week.

I don't know about that. There were 9 people in the tribe, and even with Varner flipping (which he wouldn't without the numbers), the old schoolers still had only 4 votes. The only way Varner managed to flip Pee-gee and especially Kelley is because when he went to talk to them, the numbers were already there. It was

I'm very surprised at the low grade. I think this episode was at least an A-. It had emotion, it was exciting, and wasn't predictable at all coming into the episode how it would turn out (while not coming out of the blue either). So far all characters have delivered, and I'm more and more hyped for what is coming.

I think three things helped her: 1) she had a very nondescript first appearance (as opposed to Spencer), so that didn't raise any alarm; 2) she didn't start out very strong (like Shirin did last episode), and so she didn't ring any bells; 3) she had a special alliance with Varner, so he made sure she stuck in

I felt the completely the same way. I kept thinking, "Why would he fake a cry at a confessional?" But it just didn't look real at all.

I think comparing her to Brandon Hantz is a huge overstatement. Being hot-headed is a huge leap away from mental issues, and nowhere so far she seemed remotely dangerous to anyone. As a matter of fact, I actually like her. (Like as in like-to-watch-her-on-TV, not as in I-would-like-to-be-around-her.)

For Stephen the big power move is called Swap.

I think the point is that if you look at the scene, *everyone* is crying, except for Stephen. Even if Stephen is right, and Jeremy is looking for an idol, saying something so strategical while people are in an "emotional" state just sounds ruthless.

If he noticed the (obvious) fact that it was suicide for Spencer to join the old school alliance, why did he think Spencer would do that? For charity? And the reason he gives is another reason why Spencer should NOT go with Vytas. Ok, the new school alliance is still majority, but that would be *bad* news for Spencer,