
I don't quite get what you mean. Don't announce a name, but call it PSP2? Calling it the 'Next Generation Portable' pretty much is calling it 'The Next PSP' anyway.


If you just want a distraction for this week, I'd recommend Super Stardust portable. Thanks to the PSP's single analogue nub (and a few other factors) it actually plays quite differently to SSHD - but that's a good thing. It's a unique, equally enjoyable experience, and pretty much the only portable game I'd describe

ME is a good game on its own, and for RPG buffs is well worth the time. After playing through both games, though, you'll realise it served much better as a prepper for ME2. It's worth playing through the 40 odd hours just to enhance your experience in the second game.

RTS, no question. Each one (well, the good ones) can be played for dozens or even hundreds of hours, and the general gameplay lends itself naturally to diversity, meaning stuff doesn't get old too fast. That's my view, at least.

That' pretty much what I was saying originally - fair enough. I got the impression you weren't buying it out of principle before...

That's what I've been reading in the comments. =/

I'm surprised at the number of people actually opting for the 360 version thanks to Kratos' inclusion. In local multiplayer this is obviously a non-issue, but I guess seeing nothing but Kratos online could be frustrating. Fortunately for me I don't play fighting games online, and even with friends I'll be dibs-ing the

What... why here, and nowhere else (that hasn't suffered an earthquake recently)? The country it was developed in no less.

Agreed. They often redirect to other Gawker blogs - they could have the decency to redirect these tweets to the articles themselves from RSS too.

This has been my favourite thing today.

The revolution will be straight-to-DVD, and only sold in licensed shops.

Mine too! Weird.

Yep. Brian seems to think the graph disagrees with him.

"The journey is what matters, not the challenge. Challenge works well with teenagers...but it doesn't work with adults."

Too many games I've shamefully left unfinished in the last couple of years. A lot of the time it's because I don't want them to end. Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy Tactics and Demon's Souls - I put them all down as I was nearing the finish line for a hypothetical chance to savour them in the future, which is of course

The video borked at about 2 minutes for anyone else?

When was the last time a 60 dollar game occupied you for less than 3 hours?

Mmmmmm Tricia.

Same - for me it's all down to the soundtrack. Greg Edmonson composed both and there are just enough similarities between the two to get me excited about one as I'm playing/watching the other.