
Yeah it is.

Sounds good. Filesize limits could be eliminated by breaking large files up into pieces if stored on a service which has limits, then concatenated by the desktop app.

I don't think 'obsolete' is the word. This thing still needs a power source, which could leave the user stuck.

I'm saying I see no reason they're limiting their market. If you're saying it might cost them to set up international payments, you may be right. That might be reason enough to not bother opening up the stream to outside the US.

Offering streaming online worldwide requires precisely zero more effort logistically (although I've no idea about distribution rights), and if someone wants to see something, anywhere in the world, they're able to. It's nonsense to expect people just to not watch what they want because content providers aren't

Well that was needlessly sarcastic.

I'd say the base price is actually very low. But yeah, the hidden costs are pretty bollocks. The memory cards are only as expensive as they are in order to subsidise the Vita itself.

It's pretty ridiculous to suggest its specs are higher than the 360's and PS3's. The only higher specs are memory and resolution:

Piracy is his argument against Android, and he recommends PC...?

A lot of first and second party studios say Sony help them a lot during development - something I expect third party devs don't get. Not to mention it's easier to build ground-up for just one platform, than to build it for one and port it to two others.

On a similar note, PortableLinuxApps has some good Linux programs assembled as a single binary: []

So... you can get put options on electronics now?

I think it's meant to be the dish sending the message, showing its parabolic property.

I never took you for a djent man. Very cool.

You probably don't have to take a laptop apart to clean the fan. A while ago my laptop was running at 50C on average, getting as high as 90C (and then shutting off) after about 60 seconds of 200% CPU usage. I just sprayed the underside intake fan with compressed air for about 5 seconds, and 2 years' worth of dust

I think one of the options should read "I like discounts: Retail". I can't imagine Sony offering better prices on PSN than Amazon will after a few weeks.

How does that contradict what he said (unless you simply misread 'first' as 'third')?

Which reviews of Uncharted are unfavourable? It's 85 on Metacritic at the moment, with the lowest being 80. I'm looking forward to it but I want to see all perspectives first.

Sounds like just what I need. Shame the link seems to be down.

So this is just mimics pacman's command line behaviour? What makes it better than apt & yum?