
I was planning on getting a PS5 at some point and this was a game I was really excited about. Worst case scenario I will buy a PS3 and a copy of Demon Souls and wait and see if it comes to pc or stays exclusive.

I understand exactly where you’re coming from. Every week gamer’s are outraged about something. After awhile you just don’t want to hear it anymore. But this is a instance where I believe it’s justified.

I started out on hard mode too, because I heard normal was too easy, and it’s harder than I expected.

Since you mentioned it I’m curious how many hours you have in Fallout NV?

I went to school with him and Amy’s brother. 

I have no desire to be able to customize my character but they do so you shouldn’t dismiss it so easy.. I think it’s a stretch to call them “shallow” over it especially in a game that seems to offer choice after choice plus some more choices. That one choice could affect their game alot more than you make it out to

I never cared about creating a character in any game. Usually I would just pick the stock character. But more and more I seen comments like this asking to be able to choose so it became something I never thought of before but now do. I hope more games offer the choices between male or female. It seems like a win win

After everything Hopper had been through with everyone it just didn’t make sense to me the way he acted. Especially Joyce. But it didn’t ruin the season for me or even bother me but I definitely noticed it.

I understood why he acted the way he did with Mike and 11. I didn’t understand why he acted the way he did to Joyce. 

It wasn’t a date in the first place yet he acted like a jealous ex boyfriend who was stalking Joyce. It was really creepy and so out of character. I kept thinking “why the hell is he acting like that”.

I think I’m one of those who loves the show but is in a state of blissful ignorance. Hoppers character felt off to me this season but I still loved it. 

I loved all 3 seasons of ST but I did not like how they portrayed Hopper this season.

This is the 3rd season and all of a sudden he’s this rageaholic who doesn’t know what a heart to heart is and comes across as this creepy stalker type of guy. He probably should have stayed on the drugs.

I thought they were going to have Murray hook up with Alexi.

I loved Hopper in season 1&2. This season felt like a totally different character to me.

I thought it was great because Murray talking about a full scale Russian invasion in season 2 and I never would have expected Russians in Hawkins.

I tried to look at it in the context of every thing they been through but it still felt so out of character for him to act the way he did. It just didn’t feel right to me.

Hopper didn’t have this rage every second of the day in Season 1&2 and that’s why it seemed so out of character. 

Dustin singing make me crack up. And everyone’s faces because they were trying to save the world and he has to sing. Some people blamed Suzy for Hoppers alleged death .

I kept thinking why is he acting like this. It made no sense to me. But it didn’t ruin the season for me.