
I didn’t find it realistic at all. It just felt so out of character for Hopper how they portrayed him up until that point.

Hopper didn’t act like Hopper for me. He just felt really off to me. He needed a explanation of a “heart to heart” I mean cmon. It didn’t make sense to me even when I tried to look at it in the context of the show and everything they’ve been through. It didn’t affect my enjoyment of the show. I’m still a biased fanboy

I felt Like the Hopper in season 3 didn’t act anything like the Hopper from season 1 & 2. It just felt really off to me. He was more concerned with Joyce blowing him off and didn’t listen when Joyce was trying to tell him she thought something was wrong. You would think after everything they been through, plus the

Someone always has to mention Trump no matter what. Yawn.

Didn’t Past Nebula give him future Nebulas Pim particles?

Someone had to die to get the stone otherwise they couldn’t bring everyone back. Hawkeye didn’t want her to die and she didn’t want him to die. That’s how I saw it but at first I felt like you did. 

I always like the overhead shot when you’re walking through the marsh and all of a sudden you see it under water coming after you. And it creeped me out.

I just never liked multi player games. Always preferred single player. I’m afraid if Anthem fails bad then Bioware will be gone.

If Anthem tanks then Bioware might be no more. EA will still be around.

I forgot TF2 had a single player campaign. Maybe I should pick it up. 

It’s a first-person shooter with clear RPG elements” So it’s not a role playing game? Fallout New Vegas was a role playing game not a “shooter with rpg elements. 

I hated Fallout 4 because they made it a shooter.

I just started watching Firefly. 

Fallout New Vegas’s graphics were outdated when it launched. But it was a role playing game with actual role playing and that’s what made me fall in love with it. If you like role playing games you should atleast give it another shot.

Everyone responds to say nobody cares. LOL.

Some pc gamers. Not all.

I just found this column Peter and it’s great. Thank you.

Planescape is unlike any game I’ve ever played. One of my all time favorites.

When it’s finally released I’m going to look this comment up because I believe you will be 100% spot on. Too much hype plus changes made by square.

Sorry to go off topic but made me remember I need a PS4 to play bloodborne. Everyone seems to love that game.