
I'm actually pretty damn hyped for this. I really hope it doesn't disappoint me by being too 'consoleized' or whatever. Having said that, some of the best games I've been playing recently have been console ports. Here's hoping the trend continues.

@R0bster: Yeah, just an odd thing to say really.

@Stradigos: I had to scroll all the way back up, but I totally see it! That's actually some really frigging sweet box art IMO, never see anything like that anymore.

@mindsale: Yeah... it's strange that while a lot seems to be going on in the game, it actually looks quite dull compared to the much simpler, faster TF2. I think it's unfair to compare every team-based online shooter to TF2 though, because it sets the bar so high...

Sweet lord! What a pleasant surprise! I will definitely be getting this the moment it comes out, for the nostalgia and the Steam integration :-)

@icarus212001: Yeah, I think the first one's definitely the best camouflaged.

Absolutely incredible. A work of true geeky love.

Thanks for the impressions, much appreciated. I'm still not sure whether or not to buy this game though - I like the look of the updated graphics, and the inter-mission shippy walky funtimes sound good too, but I resent the fact that they've apparently changed so little about the gameplay. Like you said though Luke, I

@Islandkiwi: TA was pretty fantastic. Now that you mention it, I can't remember enjoying an RTS as much since then, but that could well be nostalgia kicking in...

I'd love to be playing this game right now. Problem is, it's £44.99 on the Blizzard store, but £34.99 for a physical copy from Game or HMV. If I bought it from the Blizzard store, I'd basically be paying a tenner for the convenience of having it straight away (or however long it took to download). On the other hand,

@MrFresh: I agree with the other commenters. Not sure where you're getting the idea from that you can't play it on a mid-range, affordable PC right now. Blizzard specifically tailored the game to be customizable to a wide variety of specs - they want to reach the largest market possible. What sort of specs are you

@angrymob: Dayum! That's some terrible look. At least you have the option to get the client though, it could have been much worse.

Good on Blizzard for listening to feedback from their fans. They're still doing better than Ubisoft, for example, who refused to compromise on the whole 'internet connection required furore', but still lagging behind Valve in terms of winning my love.

I was twelve, had just started high school, and was starting to make friends who were just as in to gaming as I was. We used to set up primitive lan parties and play... god, what did we used to play? Baldur's Gate, Red Alert... 2? Maybe? It's all a blur really.

@VincentVendetta: This still gives me the shivers every time I watch it, and I must have seen it thirty times or more by now.

@Neiten: I was waiting for them to nail The Sun, and it was worth waiting for :-D

Tabloid newspapers are a frigging plague in the UK. The worst part is that most people who read The Sun and so on don't realise that they're shitty tabloids which can't be trusted - they just believe exactly what they see in the paper. It's shocking, sometimes, the sort of outrageous, sensationalist opinions my boss

@MrGOH: Congrats! I didn't manage to get one, booo.