
Aw shoot, I just missed my chance by the look of it!

@Leanid: Well, technically they're both 2d images... if you want to be picky!

God, they're all so skinny. And their rigs look awful. This post is troubling on many different levels :-(

Incredible! But why does this guy hate bunnies so much? I've never seen so many melted, crushed and otherwise mistreated bunnies...

@Chickloaf: Mwahahahaha yes that's the one, I remember playing it. Awful!

This is looking better and better to me :-) Anyone know of the tops of their heads if there's a PC port on the way?

If Blizzard are letting people download the software this early, surely there are groups working on cracking it right now? Does anyone know if they've met with any success? I ask purely out of interest, because I intend to purchase the game. I don't mind giving Blizzard my money :-)

@Chickloaf: I totally agree! High production B-movies is the perfect way of describing them, thanks for that :-)

Despite everything that's been said here, I'm still rather excited for a new Resident Evil movie. Sure, they're kind of ropey, and hardly at all related to the games, but they still make nice, lazy films to sit and let your brain slowly absorb. Chewing gum for the mind, if you will.

That is... so excellent. HOWEVER, I remember now why I unplug my internet cable while I'm trying to write essays. It's because I get distracted by things like this, which are formulated of pure, unadulterated awesome.

I'm not going to lie, that actually looks delicious. Like, I would eat that right now. I can just imagine exactly what sort of ice cream it is, and how it would taste, and the texture and everything, and even the method I'd use to eat it (eat the spiky hair bits first).

@zegota: In this day and age, PC only seems unlikely for a game like this. Just my personal speculation though!

@Slanzinger: Sweet holy Christ. There is no god.

@Maave: I totally agree. There is a stopgap solution though! Get a signal splitter and plug in both of your tvs. On the tv you're looking at, cover your opponent's side of the screen with card or something. BAM. Shame you have to waste half of your tv space, but hey, I did say it was stopgap.

Oh man! I had this idea about three years ago. I should TOTALLY have snuck the patent in before Sony. Not that I have any sort of expertise at filing patents or, indeed, designing stereoscopic glasses.

@Rakkoon: I think the point he was trying to make is that if you look at it without the glasses, you'll go insane and your head will explode. In other words, playing winner-stays-on or whatever with a group of friends, only two of you (the two playing) will be able to watch the action; the rest of the group will busy

@Toby: Or is it rule 34..? I can't remember. Clearly I don't invoke it enough.