
Number seven is sort of sexy though right? Anyone?

@HobbitGamer: Yep, she really took the easy way out by picking on obvious stereotypes IMO. The cheerleader thing is really beating a dead horse, I think; I feel like that stereotype must have died years ago...

@Bea Arthur: We would, it's true, but why would we? We wouldn't taunt a girl for being surrounded in hardcore FPSs...

@fuchikoma: I think I know the terminology you're getting at; but that expression itself is fundamentally sexist, which is a shame because it's apt in this case, but also applicable to lots of guys taking pictures of themselves too.

@Toby: I'd also point out while I'm here that the photoset as a whole is just... well... unartistic, lazy and shallow. It takes on the most basic stereotypes and tries to attack them on the most basic level, and fails completely as a result.

Is it not the case that constantly drawing attention to girl gamers deepens, rather than alleviates the stereotype? I mean, had the picture been of a guy in exactly the same position it would doubtless have not been news, so why should this be?

@thelotmb: I loled. You're right though! Boy needs to get his ass in the sun and fresh air.

@Eternal: Same here :-( It looks brilliant.

I'd probably marry Shigeru Miyamoto if he asked me nicely; in fact, even if he asked me nastily I'd still say yes.

A lovely article :-) I was about 12-15 years old in the late days of the ROM translation scene, and I remember scouring the internet looking for translations of all the games that I'd heard loads about but could never play, so this was a big nostalgia trip for me. Two of the fondest memories I have from my childhood

Ha, the Dotgif punchline is excellent :-) Is it just me, or are there fewer comics than usual this week?

Awh, I got all excited then and assumed it was a mousepad with a USB heater attached to it for grilling purposes...

@Mike Fahey: That's ok, it just looked like Microsoft had starting hiring young :-p

I am reminded of Ender's Game SO HARD by the fact that that kid's better at Mirror's Edge than I am.

@8thR: Same here. I die way more than that on Mirror's Edge...

@trunkenmath: It looks legit to me - the sensitivity is probably set real high. You only need to move my mouse about 2 inches to go from one side of the screen to the other, and I know lots of people who have their mouses set to an even higher sensitivity. I'm just impressed that the kid can control the game so well

@H.A.L.: No... '10p' stands for 'ten pence' which is about fifteen US cents (or at the moment probably a bit less). I don't think Miyamoto san would get very far asking for every Daily Telegraph reader to send him a tenner...

@Ursus-Veritas: The vuvuzela players are easily startled, but they'll be back, and in greater numbers.

It's ok graphics card, it's ok, don't cry. It can't hurt you, it's only a video.