
I want a new car but I can't afford it. I need a car to get around, work, and live a normal lifestyle. I think Mercedes-Benz sells nice, safe cars but I can't afford one. Mercedes Benz should not be able to charge me more than I can afford for transportation. In fact, I think everyone else should contribute so I can

That's innovation ;)

Definitely. I don't know what a UN55D8000 is but I do know what a Xyboard is. I really don't care how they came up with it as long as I am not ashamed to ask the sales clerk if they have any...

Nothing on ATT Atrix which surprises me. Has anyone actually had a hit?

Well, this looks like the exact opposite of fun.

The plasma gun shot made me extremely happy. If I'm allowed at any point to play as a terminator with an assault cannon or a power fist (or both) then I'll be even happier. I'll probably squeal!

@the-red-terror: I think it's codices :-) Could be wrong though.

@flanker22: It's irrelevant how much the consumers have paid. Blizzard have a legal right and duty to protect their IP and by extension their identity as a company, so that they can produce more games down the line without worrying about having them exploited. Why should Blizzard suddenly decide to be charitable (aka.

@Toby: I mean of course that Starcraft is a national sport, not that Blizzard is; that doesn't even make sense!

@Hi-Im-Asylum: Blizzard doesn't need publicity in Korea - it's already a national sport. What it needs is legal recognition of the fact that it made that national sport available.

I've seen so much hate here for Blizzard protecting its IP, and I'm slightly confused by it. Is Blizzard the new company that everyone's meant to be hating on this week? I think they are totally in the right to demand that broadcaster's ask their permission to broadcast matches; the biggest insult seems to me to be

@NoelVeiga: To be honest... I didn't notice until you guys pointed it out. However, I went back after reading these comments and you're right about the lips. But still, damn, it might not be perfect enough to cross the uncanny valley, but it's excellent cgi.

@Char Aznable: A thousand dollars is still a lot of money to most

@DocSeuss: You should be able to do anti-aliasing in Halo with the correct tweaks...

Good crop this week. The Little Gamers strip is pretty poignant - I hate growing up and not being able to play as many games as I used to...