
That must have been difficult for you to admit to all of us, not the best thing to be proud of though haha...

I don't know about Hathaway either, but at the same time I doubted Ledger's Joker big time and was I ever wrong so I think I trust Nolan and we will be surprised...

Are you talking about the random rock that has a similar shape to the superdude's symbol? If so then I dont think that is anything but a rock...

yeah I've had three discs out for almost two years now hahaha, they might even be lost by now.. i've just been so wrapped up in streaming that it hasnt mattered... netflix probably just wants all their movies back

That is literally what I use pirate bay much easier

Anybody willing to throw out an invite my way, it would be quite appreciated.

So this is pretty fucking cool, I'd much rather just get the QR on a t-shirt and save my time for some better tattoo's though...

Well it's pretty obvious that all of us men are to some extent complete and total assholes, some are successful but most aren't due mostly to what you pointed out, their stupidity...

BEAV!!! your picture doesnt seem to be showing and I'm curious to know the content... also I meant what I said about you being the King of Pussy-Mountain, you've earned your kingship haha

Haha, this rant seems a little too personal... First of all we both know that AngryBeaver gets a disgustingly large amount of pussy, so much in fact that I've heard people use the term "swath" in reference to the guy... he knows I was just ticklin' on his funny bone... You sir need to adjust your paradigm a little,

Haha, "she" probably has a bigger dick than you....

I just want a Nexus phone on Verizon already man, come on...

That bottle is totally rad... I'm buying one

People like you make me want to smoke even more...

Obviously you guys can't get second hand sarcasm...

I know, I feel we have earned at least that much... damn selfish lovers haha

Whatever, my Gillette has way more blades than this...

Wow Verizon, I really wish you would've at least kissed me before you fucked me...