
If only there was a website chocked full of free downloadable music with a catchy name like " The Pirate Bay " or something, what a world that would be... or you could pay money for a redundant service.

I like the fake better...

Please continue your research Mister Mad Scientist... I think this world could use a few Billion less people

Hahaha, I just don't watch many videos primarily for the above mentioned reasons... but this one was especially douchey with all the "magicians" and their stainless steel rings and so forth.

That was by far the douchiest video I have ever seen...

That was fucking dope!

Likewise sir...


You poor, poor, sorry sad little man... People like you make me want to just smoke out of pure spite, Wise up and gain some perspective on your life... or don't and remain the worthless piece of shit that you are.

Haha, I get judged for smoking but people like "Shadelow" are still allowed to roam the streets freely contributing nothing to the human race whatsoever, I really wish his mother had just swallowed him instead.

Doubtful, the type of person who complains about smokers is also the type of ineffectual nothing that would never say anything to a persons face. I will gladly take my smoking elsewhere when a person asks me to do so but when these lifeless sycophants try and take some false moral high ground it bothers me to no end

Poignant haha, well done

I would gladly blow smoke into your face.

what about satchel snatch?

I dig Ken Jeung wearing the WTF t-shirt, well done Doctor.

Indeed my Droogs...


Well I have a couple of these laying around haha, I suppose I should have tried to sell them sooner

Angina Rub? Honestly sir there is no need to be so blatantly vulgar for no reason, have you no class?

I was just giving you shit haha, at least you can read.