
Me either haha, I just had to Google it, it sounds like so much fun that I plan to start ignoring its existence all over again

I once created a scaled down working castle for my Boston terrier to live in one night while tripping on some Cubensis...wild stuff

The PSA totally bummed me out, way too many dicks for one day..

Well Fuck....

Do you mind if I use your post as a template for my upcoming burglary attempt haha

I believe you miss the point just a tad, If I had a proper interest in petty thievery this would be a splendid test..

That is the silliest thing I've ever heard of...

You can't take commitment like that for granted, Slaw1 is not only the first "slaw" in a legal sense he's also a real stand up character haha

I appreciate your persistence though man, When we we all get together to write your biography in the coming years this will make for a lovely chapter haha...

Regardless of what they try and pass, I just bought another TB hard drive and that means me and Pirate Bay have some serious alone time to attend to.

Oh now I get it, its all about a companies radical new method of producing brass tacks... fascinating haha

Um, I dig sports just as much as the next guy but some people really seem to be unexpectedly excited about this movie... what am I missing here?

Here's hoping a possible Nexus 4g with NFC on Verizon, I wouldn't complain about that one little bit haha...

Why not just fill it with water and have the worlds largest wishing well, is that not a much more practical and potentially advantageous use? I mean come on man, we're talking fucking wishes here!

Well this certainly defeats the purpose of me bringing a girl into a semi-private booth so as to collect life long memories and proof of sexually explicit acts, and possibly some form of V.D... but I digress

Exactly... who can honestly say they need dexterous use of their hands haha

So would it be safe to say that those Burgers were hand made? haha

Thats my brother, I taught him everything he knows haha

You had me at "Sozzled" haha

You son of a bitch! My children are having nightmares because of you...