
Well that is the obvious conclusion one comes to, I just figured we were all in tacit agreement on the issue haha

My personal steel container is much classier than this, I call it a "flask" and only fill it with the finest Whiskey. There really is nothing like being a secret alcoholic out and about in public.

Lets not split hairs here alright haha...

Without such broad and incorrect stereotypical assumptions at my beck and call I fear I would be lost.

@theimmc: Haha I have a feeling that the BBQ "terrorist" and the cat assailant are most likely blood related. It explains everything.

Well obviously. Haha, this is Texas we are talking about, and they were having a BBQ contest at a rodeo. A person would be required to have an almost lethal blood-alcohol content just to gain admittance.

I wonder at what point he realized that the tear gas was a bad idea? Maybe when the officials made a big show of giving the other team the prized 1st place trophy and threatened to call his parents.

I see, it's pre-emptive... the fact that all rodeo folk are armed deters them from attacking one another, this case being the exception.

@Zubieta: It's a sad day when even a man as great as Mr. Kutcher can have his internet persona vandalized. (Insert sarcastic tone where applicable)

Strange... I was under the impression that all rodeo's were pro-debilitating hand held weapons. How will the other teams ever BBQ in a war-zone without being able to handle a little tear gas?

I dont know man... a dude suggested that I should just off myself haha, aside from the obvious health risks involved that seems to be the way to go.

Very well...

Shall we hold a gentleman's duel in the courtyard?

@Squalor: That video earned him 2 days worth of meals haha... Job's probably even promised not to hurt his family.

I'll see your +1 and raise a +2 haha

Way ahead of you man haha, I'm duct taping the plastic bag over my head as we speak.

Or not waste my money on an Apple product haha, that way I save several hundred dollars without moving a muscle. Brilliant I say.

What I'm really sad about is that my whole day will be filled with useless nonsense revolving around this giant ipod, instead of relevant interesting tech news like I should be able to expect from you Giz. For shame