
I'm in bed with Engadget and Wired on the side, once in a while with CNET but they are kinda like the fat chick...

Its kinda tough being a realist and an idealist at the same time haha... they dont mesh.

Yet somehow I just cant quit them's like they cheat on me over and over again but I keep taking them back. Cest la vi.

@Steezy McFresh: It angers me that Giz made the new layout to pander to Ipad users. I'm sure it works great on your tablet but my laptop is another story.

How is the iPhone better than the Incredible? I'm sorry I must have been off smoking crystal meth because I come back to giz and all I see is apple apple apple, just because it's classier doesnt make it any better.

I'm pretty sure I put this story in the tips section this morning after engadget ran it but who knows haha

You mad rogue! They once crucified people for thinking this way, be careful where your mind leads you from this point for it is strange and unknown territory gripping the very edges of reality...

I am the Walrus...

Haha and to think, I get annoyed merely with having to peel the little sticker off my apple's.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned and still bite into my apple's haha...

They already sell pre-sliced apples for some stupid fucking reason, pretty soon they'll just come out with fruit-paste...

Some article....

@Kajigger Me Timbers: This is exactly what I thought when I clicked on the article haha, don't forget the space bats.

All I want to know from you right now Kat, is whether or not you partook in consuming of said breast milk iced cream...

@kalleboo: Well then obviously it'd be the "MePhone", followed the next year by the "WePhone" and then later they will introduce the aptly titled "Phone"

@Corbab: You made me laugh in a frightening way...

This quite similar to how I speak to most everyone I meet on a daily basis, I may be a little less formal and certainly not so faux-courteous but people need to understand that no one likes them. It is a duty we all must carry out.

I like the idea that the contemplated future is beginning to rear its head, progress is exciting even in this insubstantial instance.