
Just as boring as it was on Engadget haha...

@Starbury Sneetch: I don't have any answers for you but what I do know is that your name is splendidly silly, I applaud you sir.

@EskemO: Everything is going to be alright, just go to from now on instead, its got the old layout.

@ChihuahuasXL: Obviously he has moved on to squatting Tickle me Elmo's haha...

@Rabinowitz: works beautifully gents, it has saved Giz for me.

@Capall: The dudes name says it all man...

Fucking Nicholas Cage right? haha

This harkens back to the American Communism witchhunts of the 50's only so much worse... Why is it we can throw away billions on needless wars but we can't send in a couple people to assassinate Mugabe? It would be like one weekend and problem solved.

@Copernileo: Yeah thats what they tell me it feels like...

See I would have put this into affect for about a day and then swoop in and save the day, later dubbed the man who saved the internet, I would be a hero.

I love the idea that a blind man can greatly excel at something that I being of perfect sight cannot, a token to the power of the human mind and condition.

From my vantage point of society, the "average woman" happens to be about 30+ lbs. overweight and thinks that a naval piercing covered by fat rolls is still sexy, a sad state of affairs indeed.

P.S- There is no god...

I had a feeling... Kinda wish you'd told me before I bought all the surveillance equipment and planned out not only the murder but also body disposal. I appreciate the honesty though.

Haha, this is just too much work for something as simple as cheating.. it's an effortless, frivolous act and should be thought of as such at all times.

I feel that the OS for the TouchPad really doesnt stack up with that of the iPad and especially not the Honeycomb Android tablets... like WP7 you are too little too late

As stated many times this phone will belong to me rather soon...

See even the Mac's dont like the new site layout, for freedom!

@Frizzaldo...: Works just like old school giz for me...

Ok, I left this site recently but like the relationships in my life I had to have another taste, I wanted to make it work Giz, therefore I realized that runs the old version layout and has allowed our relationship to continue again, so maybe I cheated on you with Engadget once or twice and accidently