Tobias Lehigh Nagy

Yeah, I can see how Updike’s “Rabbit” series, dealing with a stereotypical white American man facing aging and his own mortality can be at times unsettling (both intentionally and unintentionally), but calling it “horror” is a bit much.

George had that idea in the “Seinfeld reunion” episode on Curb, the iToilet app.

Well I really rather enjoyed the rest of it! ....slightly sarcastic vaguely mythology infused action adventure stuff? I not sure what to say.

My take, now having seen the film:

It’s recognitions. It is always morally fine to dismiss recognitions, no matter what they say.

The responses to your extremely correct and reasonable post show how unhinged some of the posters here really are.

Fuck the public.  I’m going to be hooking There Will Be Blood Pt. 2 straight into my veins.

Ooo have been looking forward to this since the trailer came out - glad to see it’s getting great reviews.

Like the first two novels, the first two movies are basically children’s stories. Simple, linear, easy to follow, some danger but not too much to be really frightening. I’d be surprised if any adult viewing them for the first time would think those two are anywhere but near the bottom.

I think what made Harry Potter so widely beloved was how the writing and stories aged along with the protagonists. Most of the bazillion fantasy series pitched at the pre-teen set stay EXACTLY at that level. Harry Potter, on the other hand, aged in real-time along with the protagonists, so if you were 11 when you read 

“Lucy, America has some SPLAINING to do about how carbon emissions will double every decade from now on, while a rapidly industrializing China adds to the climate crisis - before you know it, there will be hurricanes in New York City!”

I don't know, there's an underlying sadness to all those man-child roles he's played, so I can see him doing this part easily.

Fuck, yeah!  Campion and a great cast, but special attention to Dunst. This looks like high-caliber stuff that I wish more of for her.  She’s pretty great.

Fuck, yeah!  Campion and a great cast, but special attention to Dunst. This looks like high-caliber stuff that I wish more of for her.  She’s pretty great.

Best movie of the year.

Is this getting released in China?

Comic books are completely formulaic. Especially Marvel comics of the last 30 years. And.....somehow the Marvel movies are ALSO completely formulaic? *gasp*

Yep! That was at the height of the D&D/Satanic Panic of the 80s. I also remember him playing Elise’s alcoholic brother on “Family Ties” and Alex found him in the pantry drinking the vanilla extract.