Tobias Lehigh Nagy

I’m sure there is.  It’s really not my style, and I didn’t enjoy it, so I’ll go back to my usual practice of not mentioning him.

Since it’s orange, you could say it looks like Trump’s penis, although the carrot is to about 4:1 scale.

The best joke in the MCU is the part in The Avengers when Cap shows up and starts barking orders at the cops, and the surly lead cop says, “Why the hell should I take orders from you?!” Then a group of Chitauri attacks, and Cap takes them all out in seconds, and the lead cop, without missing a beat, gets on the radio

Honestly, I think the tweets were a convenient out for them to not to have to turn over permanent hosting duties to a guy who, although super-capable and popular with fans, is just not that charismatic.

Yeah, King Kong looks totally realistic now.

Ah, the Seinfeld ending.

How the hell are they going to jump from one car to another while the cars are being slingshot from  spinning helicopters over Mt. Fuji with their seatbelts fastened, that’s what I’d like to know?

They’re going to brand it Fast and Fur10us, right?

I’m pretty sure they’ll be going for more of a likeable antihero thing for Black Adam than a villain. Probably like Deadpool, who in the movies is basically a hero, but just a slightly morally ambiguous one. An “edgy” hero, lets say. Who wants to see the Rock be straight-up evil in a movie where he plays the title

One thing I can say for Keanu and the Rock is that they both seem like good guys, and they’re decent to their fans.

Yeah, he ditched all his old geeky friends to hang with his new cool friends.  

I fucking laughed.

Luckily my kids were like, “Umm, that’s okay, we’ll wait until it’s free.”

The Veep Dive.

They’re known as The Greate$t Generation.

Having to deal with newfound fame, and on top of that have your fans be the type of people who would watch Grey’s Anatomy, would pretty much suck.

I’m of the minority opinion that the first one wasn’t too hot shit either.

Is that like having spunk?  Because I hate spunk!

At first I read “Acorn TV” and thought, isn’t that the network that runs Coffin Flop?  But then I remembered that was Corncob TV.

I always like “Do not use if allergic to x [the name of the medication].”  As if I had any way of knowing if I was allergic to this brand-new medication that I’m just hearing of for the first time.