Tobias Lehigh Nagy

Yeah, that was the complaint I made after the first episode, that Mare and everyone else she encounters are on a first-name basis, as if Easttown were some kind of opiate-addled Mayberry. I spent over 20 years of my life in a tiny, tiny town (~1000 people) and I didn’t know the cops by their first name. The Easttown

I sincerely thought that was an old photo of Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio at first.


I watched it, but it just felt like Homeland or 24 to me, but nothing really interesting about it to make me want to keep coming back for more.

Technically, Alec Baldwin was miscast if they were going by the book, because in the original novel (and I haven’t read it since it first came out in paperback, so I could be misremembering), wasn’t Ryan described as middle-aged, balding, paunchy, i.e., sort of a schlub? Sort of like Baldwin is now, minus the balding

Whenever one of my friends successfully convinces me of something (and I know they’ll get the reference), I say, “Relax, Jonesy, you sold me.”

Desmond Dekker?

Me trying to keep straight who’s related to whom in this show.

Kate Winslet is great in this, but one thing bugged me just like it bugged me in The Outsider: just because it’s a small town, you’re not necessarily going to know everyone by their first name, or vice/versa. It’s a small town in Pennsylvania, not Mayberry. Well, obviously it’s not because they have real-world

A powerful entertainment mogul turns out to be an abusive asshole, who woulda thunk it?

They had retractable ones in the ‘70s? I don’t remember those being around until maybe Return of the Jedi, but my memory could be faulty. In ‘77 I had one of those unlicensed ones (this was before they even started making the licensed lightsabers) that was basically a white plastic tube with a cap on the end

A “real working lightsaber” and the flying car have to be the absolute tippy-top of the most desired things on the most people’s fantasy wish lists, when the reality is that in either case 5 minutes after testing either one of them out you’d either be crying, “Oh god, oh god! I wish I’d never seen this fucking thing!”

Blue Velvet is undeniably the better movie and undeniably has the better, more iconic Dennis Hooper performance, but you know what? I’ve seen Blue Velvet like twice, the last time being close to 30 years ago, but I’ve probably seen Hoosiers 20 times over the years (conservative estimate). Although I recognize his

Joe Buck?  What about Ratso Rizzo?  “HEY I’M HOSTIN’ HERE! I’M HOSTIN’ HERE!”

I loved her appearance on Crashing.  Most of the comics are portrayed as kind of jaded and cynical, but she and Pete bonded over their shared naive enthusiasm for comedy.  She strikes me as probably being sort of like that in real life.

They should change the name of the Aquafina brand to Noraluma just to spite her.

A Demi Lovato is what you get when a regular Lovato has sex with a mortal and sires offspring.

“Well, don’t you worry, honey. If they could get a washing machine to fly, my Jimmy could land it.” I must have seen this movie 20 times, but it still makes me tear up every goddamn time.

She sounds like a treasure.

People who go on their porch to smoke usually do so because someone else who lives in the household is a non-smoker or otherwise can’t tolerate the smell. In my experience, people in a household where everyone smokes don’t seem to give a fuck if their entire house smells like an ashtray.