Tobias Lehigh Nagy

Ha, I read Diabolik’s comment about Caroline Munro, and my exact words were “Good lord, yes!”  Then I read your comment.

I was also terrified at The Empire Strikes Back, but not by anything in that movie. I was 9, and my older sister and her friend took me. The movie hadn’t started yet, I guess they went to get popcorn it something and left me by myself in the theater. Back in those days they didn’t run a million previews and

One thing I remember about Blair Witch was how completely obsessed I was with it in the weeks leading up to its release. I got completely caught up in the hype. I had a comic book that detailed the history of the Blair Witch legend, and I’m sure I watched the TV special. I was lucky enough to see it at a showing

Even creepier: Brian Cox in L.I.E. as an aging pederast cruising playgrounds looking for fresh meat while “Hurdy Gurdy Man” plays. And Brian Cox was also in Zodiac, I love coincidences!

Dora and the Dads Weirdly Into Dora the Explorer All of a Sudden

I think he got pulled into the Upside Down (or jumped in out of desperation) and ended up getting blown out one of the failed Russian gates when the device exploded (along with one Demogorgon?).

Russian Terminator: “I must break you.”

I think Hopper handled it exactly the right way (for him). Remain outwardly calm, but intimidate the shit out of the little prick.

The Neverending Story bit started out cringey, but when it cut to Steve and the gang in the car listening to the song like, “WTF?” and the Meat Mind Flayer is still pursuing them in the background, that was hilarious.

The problem I have with the magnets thing is that, if this device was powerful enough to de-magnetize refrigerator magnets over a wide area, wouldn’t it have affected other things, not just refrigerator magnets? Wouldn’t it degauss stereo speaker magnets, TV speaker magnets, the magnets in the speakers in phone

I thought Hopper was a model of self-restraint with Mike. If it had been me trying to have a serious talk with those two kids and Mike was all jokey, smirking, and whispering in El’s ear while I was talking, I absolutely would have flown off the handle and started yelling, “LOOK AT ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU, YOU

“Why don’t we go into Popeye’s?”

From the sexy lady on the Popeye’s commercial. “Child, you have got to try my Happy Ending Rub ‘n’ Tug with my special Ball Tickling!”

That Electric Company clip made me very wistful, as that was my favorite show from first to third grade.  Such a lame gag that you can see coming from a mile away, but Skip Hinnant’s performance as Fargo North, Decoder really sells it.  Lot of talented people on that show.

The thing is, the season takes place over what, two or three days?  So he’s having a bad week.  Happens to everybody.

Yeah, I said that about Hellboy until they actually did it.

I really enjoyed nod to Jaws when Hopper, when asked “Can you do that?” he replied, “I can do anything I want, I’m the Chief of Police.”

I like that Erica is basically just Dee from What’s Happenin’!!