Tobias Lehigh Nagy

THANK YOU.  That is some weak-ass comedy-fu.

Exactly. The fact that Loki is capable of getting super pissed-off and committing atrocities and trying to take over the Earth are what make him an interesting character. His mercurial nature is what made the original Norse god an interesting character as well. He would plot and plan against the other gods, and

Discover Mills, or as some people always call it, “Discovery Mills.” It was named after the credit card, there’s no Y in it, dammit!  I know people that still call it “Discovery Mills” even though it was renamed to Sugarloaf Mills years ago.

I can’t believe I forgot about that. I’ve actually kind of wanted to visit to see for myself how badly it’s declined, but I can’t bring myself to. I hate and avoid nice malls as it is, so going into a shitty, murdery one is more than I can bear.

A lot of people I know are stoked because the mall they grew up with was partially renovated and restored to its full ‘80s glory to be used as the mall on the show. I used to shop there, but not until the late ‘90s, when it was already in decline. I haven’t been there in years, but it’s basically a nearly-dead mall

25 years ago and it STILL looks real as shit. That scene had the advantage of it being dark and rainy, and certainly much of the other dinosaur stuff looks very CGI-y now, but that T. Rex chase still holds up and then some.

I almost think that the plan was to make something so bad that people would plunk down the price of a ticket to see just how bad.

A friend of mine used to work for a big ISP probably late ‘90s, and he says that a guy called for tech support, and after talking to him for a minute he recognized the voice and asked him, “Hey, is this...Bruce Campbell?” “Yeah, that’s me. Listen, buddy, can you just help me figure out how to get some porn on this

“Shitter’s full!”  Yeah, I like Randy Quaid too.

4) Talented, artistic teenage boys coerced and held against their will? Just spitballin’.

I always thought he peaked as an impressionist.

You do realize that actors don’t have to actually be the same age as the characters they’re portraying, right?  Besides, she could pass for 40 easily.  She looks good as hell.


That suggests that he wanted to be the President in the first place, which I don’t believe he actually did. I have thought from day one, and I still do, that his original plan was to run and inevitably lose to Hillary, and then raise holy hell about “Lyin’ Hillary” and her election fraud, ensconcing himself on TV and

For their uncannily accurate portrayals, I would like to present Reilly and Coogan with this laurel, and hearty handshake.

I dunno. It looks pretty decent to me, but I can barely draw a straight line, myself.

Not really A book but three books in one volume, but I read The Border Trilogy by Cormac McCarthy, and it was fantastic. I had read Blood Meridian and loved it, but it was so harrowing that I had actively avoided reading any more McCarthy. But I was in a used bookstore and saw The Border Trilogy in the Everyman’s

Can this be the one “history of punk” documentary that doesn’t do the thing where punk turns into white reggae and then nothing happens and nothing happens and nothing happens and then it’s the ‘90s and here comes Nirvana and grunge and Green Day and whoops that’s all we’ve got time for, goodnight everybody!

Oh yes, I’m absolutely furious.

He’s a talented but fatally pretentious provocateur who managed to eke out a handful of good works and then unfortunately crawled up his own asshole.  And yes, he belongs on a sex offender watch list.