
Yup, one of their more forgettable efforts.

Hell, I am pretty fucking pretentious, and was sure I would come back from that list laughing at your naivete, but damned if I actually haven’t heard of more than half the films on that list. Even in New York City, where the hell did he manage to see all those movies? Then he added “best undistributed films” which

My bosses have often been raging alcoholics, so that was not an issue.

This may be good advice on an individual basis, but horrible advice on aggregate. If everyone at the party is basically sticking to two drinks you have, best case, a sophisticated cocktail party and you’d better hope to God everyone there is capable of witty banter. Worst case you are stuck among a group of nice

You could add Woodrow Wilson, a vicious racist, who got us into World War I, where we managed to turn what might have ended up as a negotiated stalemate between two exhausted sides into a one sided vindictive Allied victory, paving the way for both the horrors of Nazism and the Soviet Union. Sometimes bad Presidents

A football fan saying they don’t want Belichick coaching their team is like an investor saying they don’t want Warren Buffet anywhere near their portfolio or a foodie telling Joan Roca to stay the hell out of their kitchen.

You are 100% right about commercial breaks. The problem with the “67 minute” analysis is that it includes all time between snaps (like time in the huddle or lining up for the next play) as “standing around”, which is ridiculous.

Excessive replays maybe, especially challenges. The idea that there is “11 minutes actual playing time” vs. “67 minutes of players standing around” is a ludicrous argument to anyone who actually follows the game and understands how it works. It is the American football ignoramus equivalent of “soccer has no action

Your story is a little off because to be Trump you have to imagine you borrowed the money to acquire the $100,000 basket, then filed bankruptcy and didn’t pay that money back. But you reported the losses for tax purposes, and then kept the gains on the stocks that appreciated. Win-win. It would be interesting to know

Weren’t his losses mostly paper losses that ended up being absorbed by his creditors? So in effect Trump has simply stolen 900 million dollars over the past 20 years from his creditors, but his supporters won’t see it that way.

When Europeans first settled this continent they had two big thoughts.

When Europeans first settled the continent the big thought was to enslave the local population. Importing Africans only took off when the locals inconveniently died.

Malnourished models passing out is hardly a confidence booster.

Putin. He doesn’t drink.

Or in other words, at what age will Drew turn into Bill Simmons 2.0? Probably around 40.

Scrapple is far more popular in Central and Northern PA than it is in Philadelphia. It is farmer food, not city food.

What are you 45? Almost no one under 30 in New England gives a shit about baseball in Boston these days, the Patriots have managed to brainwash a generation. At least if the New England Sports Poll is to be believed the Patriots are the most popular team in the region by a 2-1 margin.

C’mon. The real reason the Pats suck, and why most people hate them, is because the Patriots epitomize everything cruel and awful about our success-driven, 1 percenter culture. The Pats are run like an investment bank - the organization expects your 100% loyalty, but the organization has no obligation to you if you

Those people are by definition not “fans” of the Patriots, those are the bandwagon riding douches who make the Patriots fanbase so annoying.

How old are you? For any Pats fan under 25 Brady did define their childhood.