
Rife has never been reserved about spoiling shit she doesn’t consider worth anyone’s time. I never read reviews before seeing a film, specifically because of critics like her.

Bears in Space will be my new favorite porn movie when someone finally gets off their ass and makes it.

I saw 1917 twice, and I still didn’t know that the other solider dude was Tommen on Game of Thrones until I heard it on some random podcast, and I was MORTIFIED that I didn’t know that.

This not-so-neatly side-steps the issue King is talking about. Of course Hatchette has every right to not publish Allen’s book. But Hatchette clearly WANTED to publish Allen’s book, but was pressured not to by Farrow and social media. That kind of pressure can be brought to bear on anyone, even people that we liberals

When I first saw the trailer for Call of the Wild and realized that Harrison Ford had entered the “old man and a dog” phase of his career, I was struck with a profound sadness. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, children. We will all die someday.

“what has to be the queerest comic book movie to date”

Birds of Prey just wasn’t very good.

Joker is not a comic book movie, and it’s annoying that every critic feels the need to claim it is so as to pretend that actual superhero movies deserve to be ignored because they’re...oh, let’s say, not cinematic enough. And yet, they mostly claim Joker sucks, too! We call this trying to have our cake and dance it

Portrait of a Lady on Fire looks exactly like the kind of period romance that could not be further from my wheelhouse, but damned if that trailer doesn’t almost pull me in, in most part due to that astonishingly haunting song.

This movie literally put me to sleep. And I liked the The VVitch!

Aren’t we still mad a Mel Gibson?

Quick PSA for everyone: A Bad Moms Christmas has sidal nudity, but no rear or frontal, from Justin Hartley.

What a rollercoaster!

No, today the joke would be about John Cena.

It’s my understanding that Sean Penn is perpetually angry.

Given Errol worked both sides of the fence, I’d say definitely Errol.

I found Jude Law’s arms in Captain Marvel very erotic.

Asshole me. I liked it. It was fun.

THANK you.

“My dear Mr Dickens,