
There’s a very deliberate shift in tone with the whole Bhaer stuff at the end; everything is presented as a much more conventional larger than life rom-com than any of the other scenes, which leads me to believe we’re intended to take those scenes as fantasy. If nothing else, it’s clear that Gerwig does not take Jo’s

A teacher hit her hand!

“Everything had to be multiple things, it could not ever just be singular. I had to have a multiplicity in every moment, every line.”

I was very much “Yes, alright,that was fine” when I saw 1917 a week ago, but I haven’t been able to get that scene SPOILER where Scoffield arrives at the clearing full of soldiers listening to “The Wayfaring Stranger” out of my head since. It is one of the most gorgeous, moving scenes I have ever seen on film, and I

I wouldn’t say the film was a waste of time, but that out-of-fuel bomber thing was absolute horseshit, and I said so at the time, out loud, in the theater. My input was received poorly.

How can this article exist when Jexi came out barley five months ago?

Fun fact: if you took all the boxes Tom Cruise has stood on while acting in motion pictures, and stacked them in one column, it would reach 1/3 of the way to the moon!

Good news for you: Cumberbatch is in the film for approximately two minutes. He is excellent.

I liked it, but listening to the Flophouse’s episode on it I realized how very D&D plot it was. “We have to find the gizmo to lead us to the thigamajig so we can get the maguffin!”

The majority of Frozen II felt unnecessary, but I’m kind of obsessed with the bonkers, totally out-of-place song Olaf gets in the middle of the film. Also, I appreciate Disney FINALLY giving a gay male couple in Kristoff and Ryder, or as we fans call them: Rydoff.

I don’t see any Thor progressing past Thor 4, unless they go full tilt into Portman Thor. Even then, I wouldn’t count on Bale becoming a permanent part of the franchise.

When you have Hemsworth torso, you absolutely do not need Bale torso.

Alternately, and this is just a suggestion, maybe Christian Bale could take a nice 10 year or so vacation from movies?

I’m really kind of dying to see Cats again, partly for the camp value and partly because I want to be better positioned to evaluate how fair the social media savagery actually is, but I want to do it this weekend, and I’m terrified it won’t make it past Thursday in theaters. I can’t watch this thing on a weeknight,

Avengers Assemble” was absolutely epic, especially after making us wait ten years for it. But the scene of the year, let alone just Endgame, was Cap wielding Mjolnir. There was no more energizing scene in any film this year, literally and figuratively.

The 10 best films of the year, in this order:

Bless his heart.

I will never not watch an adaptation of A Christmas Carol. Of the modern ones, however, I have yet to find one better than the George C Scott one. Prove me wrong!

Normally, I’d find it gross that an artist associated with an ongoing project would publicly critique the contributions of others to that project, but given that ALL those motherfuckers recently threw Johnson under the bus over Last Jedi, I think he’s showing remarkable restraint.

Nobody ever talks about two of my favorite films of 2019: Cold Pursuit and The Art of Self Defense, so I’m not suprised to not see them here. But the AV Club jizzed so hard over Booksmart when it was released, and it was that rarest of AV Club darlings which actually DESERVED the raves, that I’m honestly shocked not