
Man, that Black Christmas was some embarrassing garbage. Poor, poor Cary Elwes. He was in the motherfucking PRINCESS BRIDE, man. Can’t we get this dude some better gigs?

Forgot to mention: I spent Sunday night being disappointed by the first Crisis on Infinite Earths episode. Choppy and incoherent. This is the first crossover the CW hasn’t absolutely nailed. Hope it picks up.

This Saturday was supposed to be homework day at the movies, when I saw Honey Boy, and Dark Waters, and Queen and Slim, and Wolf Hour, but I couldn’t muster the enthusiasm, and watched my Black Friday DC animation haul, Batman Hush, Batman Ninja, Reign of the Supermen, and Constantine: City of Demons, instead. I’m

Maybe if the film was more cinematic...?

Indeed. The movie as okay, but it wasn’t The Joker.

I’m still a little baffled that Marvel didn’t schedule another Hulk movie after Avengers, when Ruffalo’s Hulk was received so positively. I know they’d struck out twice before with Hulk movies, and I know there’s issues with the rights being shared with Universal, but still...leaving one of their most valuable

Those DICKS!!!

I don’t know enough about business to grasp all the ramifications of this move, but it seems bad on the face of it.

Henry Cavill would make a great Superman, and I hope he actually gets to play him one day.

There’s definitely a lot of humor in it, but I don’t subscribe to the theory that, at its heart, it’s a dark comedy.

Taken as such! Always a pleasure to talk with you, although I didn’t know you’d changed your name!

Which is fine, but I was hoping for more than that.

I hope I’m not THAT hard to please, but I think it’s fair to say my standard for films is based primarily on how entertaining they are, and in my experience, arthouse films tend to be more concerned with being thought important than in being entertaining. But I’ve loved lots of arthouse stuff (most recently, Parasite).

Oh, I could easily give you a couple of paragraphs on why I don’t think Boyhood is good, but who would that be for? You obviously don’t share my opinion of the film, and I have zero interest in trying to change your mind. I’m not a film critic; it’s not my job tell other people what they should think about a

I certainly don’t expect any respect for comics films from movie critics (or Hollywood itself) any time soon. The traditional comics medium itself is not at all respected in most corners, and it’s existed for damn near 100 years. But I have faith that the perspective of history will change the way people look at these

Possibly. But Avengers: Endgame will not.

I also like the first Paddington better than the second, and also think that both, while extremely charming, tend to be bafflingly overrated. But then, either would make my list before some of the other entries on the AV Club’s list.

We’ll see where we are in fifty years.

I’m an unapologetic fanboy, and honest enough to admit that a lot of my appreciation for the MCU comes from my comics fandom. It tends to amuse me that critics dismiss people like me as incapable of objective judgment, when in truth, comics fans are the most hypercritical of comics properties. If these films sucked,

I hope you do! I don’t want to oversell it, but I found it very affecting...and very funny.