
“the astounding feat” - can you clarify this a bit for me?

There’s no way the AV Club is going to acknowedge noted non-feminist Joss Whedon.

Toni Erdmann IS too long, but still really, really good.

Boyhood takes two hours and forty five minutes to tell you precisely one thing: Patricia Arquette’s character has shitty taste in men.

I’d never expect the AV Club to acknowledge the astounding feat Marvel has accomplished, so was not surprised to see all their films left off this list; the fact that the AV Club is a pop culture website that imagines itself to be a gatekeeper of refined cinema has always amused me more than annoyed me. But they

This weekend I saw Ford v Ferrari, Harriet, Charlie’s Angels, and The Good Liar. I was let down by the latter two, but was not let down by the former two, because they were exactly what I expected them to be. Still, I enjoyed all to varying degrees, though Charlie’s Angels should have been a lot more fun and The Good

It would not increase my respect for Jason Momoa if he responded, “Yes, we ate her last night”, but it WOULD increase my enjoyment of him.

I keep telling myself I’ll see Harriet tomorrow, and then the day after that, and then the day after that, until eventually, it will be out of theaters. Harriet is November’s Judy.

I think the problem everyone is overlooking is that mob movies are inherently non-cinematic.

Please insert the standard “this is why I’m committed to physical media” comment I break out whenever some streaming service does something egregious.

I don’t think an embarrassing debacle that pisses all your customers off is a good start for any endeavor, so I doubt this was intentional. But it does seem off brand for Disney to have fucked this up so badly. Usually, their shit is buttoned up tight.

Good God, Midway was a thundering piece of shit. What a waste of a tremendous cast. Ed Skrein manages to make the audience actively loathe his character within the first five minutes. After that, it’s one war movie cliche after another. I WAS darkly amused by Skrein identifying his burned-to-a-crisp Annapolis roommate

Wow, this guys’ getting crucified out here.

This is my favorite one so far.

No, I’m afraid that won’t do. You’d have to pay ME.

Not sure where this new meme that Benioff and Weiss are incompetent fuckups came from. So people didn’t like the last season of Game of Thrones, and that means the guys responsible for the previous seasons, raptly watched by millions, are talentless hacks?

WITH the diapers this time?!?

Harry Styles is a very pretty young man.

Yeah, it’s definitely not Sharon Tate’s story. She was intended as a side character from the start. This isn’t ambiguous to anyone who’s seen the film.

Thanks for taking time to share your dagger-like wit with us, but I’m sure you’re needed back at the Algonquin.