
I don’t get your confusion re: Stromfront at all. She has no problem being a Nazi, but she knows that being CALLED a Nazi is bad. She says as much! Her whole deal was to frame her movement as patriotism, and the very last thing she wanted is for people to associate it - and her - with historical Nazism. This is

Just like to point out eight years later that I was completely right about Man of Steel before it was ever released.

I think Robert Downey Jr has enough money.

Can’t fault your stance on refusing to put yourselves at risk, but no matter how you’re justifying it, by continuing to review films that might make OTHER people sick, you’re contributing to keeping the pandemic alive. You’ve got no moral high ground, here. As such, your article comes off as self-congratulatory

Clearly YOU do, or you wouldn’t have replied to me, genius.

Dave Chappelle has boundless compassion for problematic celebrities. It’s just transpeople he finds gross and hilarious.

In the comics, and even (I’d argue) in the movie, Sen Kelly isn’t really a villain. Kitty describes him as “a decent man with what he feels are legitimate concerns about the increasing numbers of super-powered mutants in the world.” Kelly’s fears are ABSOLUTELY legitimate, even in his own reality, where the number of

The only reason we’re not at war with Iran is because Putin doesn’t want us to be.

Yes, thanks for paying attention. Trump’s base is made up of morons. Now, how do we beat them?


He should have asked her who was to blame for her losing. She’s always got more than enough to talk about then, long as she doesn’t have to accept any responsibility herself.

Please don’t interrupt the outrage in progress with facts.

Looks like that day isn’t anytime soon.

I’d imagine long pants would get snagged in the metal?

When straight actors are told by their agents, managers, producers, directors and everyone else in the entertainment industry to keep their sexual orientation private, then it would be “slanderous”.

I never said it was. I literally, specifically said, it’s nobody’s business.

Also, he was the best thing in Bloodshot, which wasn’t bad.

This article curiously doesn’t mention Heughan’s claim that, among the cyber bullying he’s received, people have falsely accused him of being a “closet” homosexual, which seems kind of a less than artful setup for Colton Hayne’s tactic, when he finally came out, of claiming he was never really in. I have no earthly

Naked twinks? Seems pretty Salo-y.

I quite enjoyed The Hunt. Sure, there are a few infuriating moments of #NotAllTrumpers, but for the most part, I found the jokes at the expense of both liberals and rednecks pretty funny. The film also does some nice things with good guy/bad guy ambiguity that, while they don’t succeed much in their intention to feed